The woman joined him at his side. "You were the only one who cared enough to get to know him."

She moved closer to the cage. "He got captured again by the Kraang and became meaner than ever, growing a hatred for everyone."

Mikey teared up. "Leatherhead...don't worry, I'll fox you...I'll be your friend and get you out of here!"

The woman gently touched Mikey's shoulder. "He cannot hear you, Michealangelo." She said.

Mikey sighed, wiping his eyes. "Can we go somewhere else?" He asked. The woman grabbed his hand.

In a matter of minutes, Mikey found himself in the lair. It was disheveled and looked a mess.

"I think I want to see Ice Cream Kitty." Mikey murmured. He opened up the freezer only to find it empty.

"W-Where is she?" Mikey asked. "Where's Ice Cream Kitty?" The woman closed the freezer.

"You are the one who made Ice Cream Kitty, remember?" She said gently. "Without you, she does not exist."

Mikey's baby blue eyes widened. "Ice Cream Kitty doesn't exist...that's horrible." He whimpered.

He remembered that Ice Cream Kitty had once been a normal cat before she ate mutagen mixed with ice cream that Mikey had spilled.

The woman took his hand. "Come Michealangelo, it is time to go to the future." They teleported once again.

Mikey found himself in the lair once again. This time, it looked even more gloomy and depressing.

Mikey saw Master Splinter grabbing a cheesesicle out of the fridge. "How I wish to have some happinesses."

The rise old rat looked awful. His kimono was ripped and he looked so sad. "I'll make you happy, papa!"

He reached out to hug his father but instead went right through him. "He cannot feel you, Michaelangelo."

Mikey whimpered. "Why is he so sad?" He asked the woman as he watched his father leave the room.

"He loves all of his boys the same, but you were the one who brought him the most happiness."

She moved around a bit. "You never existed, so your father has always felt an emptiness inside of him."

Mikey wiped a tear. "That's so sad...I want to see my bros." He commanded.  The woman looked a little nervous.

"Are you sure?" She asked. Mikey nodded, taking her hand. "Please, take me to them...I want to see them."

The woman took his hand and teleported to Leo's room. The blue-masked ninja was a wreck.

He was crying and he had scars all over his body. "No one cares about me." He said over and over.

"Leo!" Mikey cried, running up to him. "Why does he look so...depressed?" He asked.

"After he woke up from his coma, he found that no one was at his bedside...and he assumed he wasn't needed."

Mikey frowned. "Why? Didn't Leo and Raph stay at his side?" He asked. The woman shook her head.

"No...when Leonardo went into his coma, Rapheal and Donatello were lost...they had no one to reassure them or make them happy."

"They thought he would never wake up, and secluded themselves in their rooms so they wouldn't have to look at him, injured and lifeless."

Mikey looked at Leo. "W-What about April?" He murmured. "She was here...wasn't she?"

The woman didn't answer. Instead, he took Mikey to Donnie's lab. The scientist looked even worse than Leo.

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