Mary and Sam look concerned. Dean checks the time on his watch.

Mary is loading a gun in a building when Cas escorts Lucifer, still in handcuffs past the door. Lucifer looks at Mary with a smile as he walks by. Then Lucifer pops his head back into the door frame. "Hey, mama. Miss me?" Lucifer asks with sass.

Mary says nothing but delivers a powerful jab punch to Lucifer's face, knocking him back on his heels, "That's a yes?"

"Let's go!" Cas snaps and drags him away. Sam and Dean entered from the other side of the building in time to see Mary punch Lucifer.]

"Nice shot" Dean compliments her.

"Yeah. No kidding. Hey, um, we really should go look for Jack and get back home before it's too late" Sam tells her.

"I, uh...Boys, um...About that" Mary looks uncomfortable. Dean and Sam look at their mother, confused. Mary sighs, "I'm not going back"

"I'm sorry. What?" Dean asks in disbelief.

"I fought beside these people. I respect them. I respect their cause. You can't expect me to just abandon them" Mary tells them.

"No, Mom, that's not -- You heard what Lucifer said. We have 31 hours –" Sam says before Mary cuts him off.

"I – Sam...Dean...I know what you went through to come find me" Dean scoffs at that, he is obviously upset. "But these people are being slaughtered. They need me here"

"No, we need you, Mom. We do" Dean tells her, getting angry.


Lucifer and Cas are standing talking in the doorway of one of the buildings. "Come on, Cas, old sport"

"I'm not your sport, and I will not broker a relationship between you and your –" Cas stops at the sound of wings. Jack appears in the building behind Cas and Lucifer. Cas looks over.

"Speak of the Not Devil" Lucifer whispers out of the side of his mouth. Jack walks towards the two angels. "Son" Lucifer greets him with fake piety.

"It's Jack" Jack corrects him.

"Jack, talking with Lucifer, it's -- it's not a good idea" Cas tries to dissuade him from talking to Lucifer.

"I'm not going to talk. I'm going to listen" Jack tells her.

Cas sighs in frustration while Lucifer looks smug. "He's gonna listen" Lucifer stage whisper to Cas. Lucifer winks at Cas who just shakes her head.

"Jack..." Cas pleads, but she knew deep down that whatever she said wouldn't stop him. Jack stand facing Lucifer. Cas is hovering over Jack's right shoulder protectively.

"Wow. I have been waiting for this moment for so long, I almost don't know what to say. This...this dad thing is sort of new to me. So, um...Do -- do you have any questions that you wanna ask? Don't let my status as a legend hold you back. Now away" Lucifer tells him.

"Why does everyone hate you?" Jack asks him.

"Why does everyone hate you?" Jack asks him

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