Finding a Personal Trainer in Essex

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One of the fastest growing trends in health & fitness today is the use of personal trainers.

What is a Personal Trainer?

A personal trainer acts as a partner who can help you set up a fitness program that meets your personal wellness goals. They suggest you the best exercises according to your requirement & motivate or tracks your results. Many people fail to see results from their workouts because, without guidance, they are staying in their comfort level, using the same equipment & exercises over & over. A personal trainer will push you to try new things & tailor your work out to fit your personal goals.


Personal Trainer in Essex will evaluate your physical abilities & speak about your goals before generating an exercise program. One time created, personal trainer will train you on each exercise & equipment, ensuring that you are using proper technique, thus ensuring faster & better results from your efforts.


Sticking with an exercise program can be difficult. There are always excuses not to go to the gym, so having someone else vested in your success is a great source of motivation. You know that your time will be well spent because you will be correctly performing your exercises. You may be financially motivated not to miss appointments & thereby lose the cost of a session. Accountability to your trainer will also inspire you to succeed, as a good trainer will monitor your progress & share in your setbacks & your triumphs.

What to Look for in a Personal Trainer

Finding a Personal Trainer in Essex can appear like a daunting task. In such a large area it might appear impossible to locate the right person for you; but it does not need to be. Start locally by asking your friends, co-workers or doctor for referrals. Call area gyms and health clubs and set up interviews. When you have a list of feasible choices, sit down with them and ask a few important questions.


In addition to education it is wise to pick someone with experience, in the event you have specific goals or health issues you require to address. Find someone who has dealt often along with your particular needs.


Personality is a subjective factor in who you will select; but it is of the most important. You should look for someone who will inspire you or motivate you to continue along with your fitness program. If you do not like your trainer you won't create the give and take needed to form a productive team. Your trainer should be a good listener and give you their full attention while in the work of your sessions. He or she should be focused on you, not busy in his own personal work

Warning signs

As you start working together with your trainer keep in mind that you are the client. You should be concerned if your trainer ignores or dismisses your questions or neglects any part of a complete program. He should not work you hard. Muscle soreness is expected but you should not be in actual pain or fatigue.

Taking action

Finding a Personal Trainer in Essex should not be as daunting as it may appear. Start locally, ask questions, educate yourself on the proper credentials & discover a partner who will motivate you & encourage you to your best health & wellness.

About Company: The Fitness Lodge provides personal trainer in Essex with discount and some other facilities. Visit us today!!!

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