The kidnapping commences

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"HINATA BOKE!" Kageyama yelled as they raced to the gym.
"Uwwaaahhhh, I won bakayama!" Hinata exclaimed as he started to jump around.

As they walked into the gym itself, which was strangely open, they had noticed that everyone was already there. At least, it seemed like it.
It took a few minutes and a couple of pokes ( provided by hinata) to realise that everyone was frozen.
"W-what the hell???" Kageyama screeched "Is this some sort of joke!?!?!?"

Unbeknownst to the freak duo, an unknown figure approached them from behind and they, alongside everyone else in the gym, were suddenly trapped inside a big black bag (not my idea aha).

~Small timeskip brought to you by chibi karasuno~

When everyone (and I mean everyone) awoke, they had noticed that they were in a different room, almost like a theatre. Tension filled the air as shouts, yells and speech were attempted. Which was when the mystery captor made their appearance.

"Alrighty my peeps, I know you all have questions and so buuut I'm on a time limit so I'm just gonna get this over and done with. I'm a messenger of sorts from a different world; ta-da!!! There's this whole disease thing going on so people have been getting bored super duper easily. I have made it my mission to make things less boring by kidnapping you guys (the karasuno team along with the manager coach and advisor). Y'all are gonna watch alternate versions of yourselves, amazing right!!!"
She looked around the room,
"I knew I forgot something!!! Sorry about taking your vocal chords away, I'll just give them back" and with a click of her fingers, they could speak again.

"We're watching different versions of ourselves, no way!"
"Bro, I'm gonna be so cool"
"Is this even safe"
"Tch, idiots"
"What about volleyball practice???"
"Wait, won't people be worried where we are"
"Where even are we?"
"Kiyoko-san, are you alright!?!?!"
"Excuse me ma'am, but what's your name?"
"Wait, where's hinata!"
"Hinata's not here??"
"What'd you do with our little kohai!?!?!"

"Alright, alright, I need you all to calm down, okay? Firstly, you're in a pocket dimension and your world is paused in time sooooo there's nothing to worry about. Second, you can just call me Odd and third, Hinata is safe he'll join us later. Something about being in every single universe and being the protagonist. Now, lets get on with this and no more questions, keep your vocal chords for the actual reaction. I also apologise if you don't like the universes,  I can't choose whether or not they'll be good so there's a high chance of bad ones aha."

"Wait-what??" Suga exclaimed.

"Shhhh, don't worry. Anywho, lets get started!"

A.N. once again, if you have any ideas you want done, just mention it in the comments :)

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