You are good to me - Alvaro

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I was happy being with alvaro but then I something grow inside me. Im always honest to alvaro no matter what but then this thing eats me...

All the hates and insecurities...

I being with alvaro is like lifetime but then there's a lot of consequences you need to face. Im a person that can't handle that and can't also handle this pain inside me

"Are you okay? I saw all the comments" he ask because of that thing i learn how to lie to him

"No I don't worry about them" i lied... that really hurt every harsh single words they leave in every picture, every video...

There are times that sometimes i go to the bathtub with all my clothes on and think alot of things... the hate they give me that i should die. I think of something what if i die? Are they going to be satisfied? Because im gone? Maybe they will...

I find myself a razor in the cabinet and lock the door. I was staring at my wrist and the razor. Am i really doing it? No! I don't want to die... yes it's hard this way but im scared to die, i just want to close my eyes and able to feel better. I put the razor back in the cabinet and unlock the door back to the empty tub

"Y/n?" I hear alvaro open the door "are you okay?" He ask i nod my head

"I guess i am?" I ask and give him a fake smile he sigh and hop in the tub with me

"Come on cry it out" he hug me when he said that i cried in his shoulder "that's it. It's alright baby everything will be okay... ignore what they say about you, you are the most beautiful and perfect girl i see. If you ever leave me I don't know what am i going to do" he said "i dint want to see you like this it hurts me"

He makes everything better, he's so good to me im lucky to have this kind of boy in my life. I guess everything will be alright

Month later

It was summer and i got a call from mom and dad that they are going here to visit me the whole summer which makes me excited. I miss them so much, im not really showy daughter to them but i love them so much. They make everything alright their comfort is the best like Alvaros

I was in the middle of scrolling to my phone until i hear the tv. That there's a plane crash i was shocked i got nervous and call my mom if their in the plane it I waited for them to answer but no they didn't. I cry

"Y/n is everything alright?" When he saw me cry he run to me and hug me "what happened?" He ask

"Mom and dad... they got into a plane crash" i said and cry on him

"Oh my god" he said

Alvaro comfort me until i fell asleep. I woke up in the moddle of the night alvaro is sleeping. I see my phone is blowing up i opened it and as always there's a lot of hate

'Her parents got into plane crash? I hope she's with them'
'Why can't she just follow them?'
'Bitch go with them and leave alvaro'
'Can she just die?'
'Y/n should be the one on the plane not her parents'
'I would be happy if she's the one who die'

I feel empty I don't know what to do anymore they have been growing. Why can't they just shoot me right in to the head than this? I lost my family and now they keep this hate going. I want to end this...

I turn to hug y/n but I didn't feel anybody. I open my eyes it was empty i look at the clock it was 4am

"Babe?" I call im still in bed there's no response i stand up and walk to the bathroom and knock "baby are you there?" No one respose when i open the door there she is her eyes close "babe come one let's go to bed" i shake her she didn't woke up. But she's not breathing i got nervous i carry her before i pull her a lot of pills spread out to the bathtub and theres a paper

"Roshaun!" I shout

"What what??" He run inside the bathroom

"Call ambulance now!!" I said to him i carry y/n in my hands i was tearing up

Please don't be die, please don't leave me, not yet okay? Not yet. The ambulance came and we got into the hospital. We wait for an hour

"What happened?" Roshaun ask me

"I don't know... when i woke up while ago i though she just went to bathroom to pee but then i saw her laying in the tub with pills. I try to wake her up she didn't" i said to him he has his hand on my shoulder The doctor came out

"Family of y/n y/l?" He said we run to him "oh... im sorry to say this, we try to save her but we can't do anything." The doctor said "we lost her... im sorry" He left

I got into my knees and cry. I lost her i sat on the chair put my hands on my face. When i was in the middle of crying someone tap my shoulder. I look up it was roshaun with his phone he give it to me. I grab it, when i read it all harsh comment about her being with her family. I was angry, i give back his phone. When i stand up to go to y/n a paper fell in my pocket. I open it, it's a letter.

Dear alvaro,
Hi bub, im sorry if i did this. Leaving you without saying a proper goodbye, I really can't handle it. For me all this things is too much for me. You know im not a fighter, im not like you that you get all the things get better. The depression eats me so much, im only one but the hates are many that's very unfair yes. But i think this is how my life is going.

I want to thank you for all the memories bub, you being in my life is the best thing. You make everything better. Im going to miss your laugh, your smile, your hair, your silliness, your hugs, your kisses and your cuddles. I know it's hard for you that im going to leave, but i think im not the one for you, you will find someone better that your fans will approve. That someone can handle all the hates unlike me.

Don't think this is all your fault bub, you do everything just to comfort me for the past couple of months. But you see, I don't know if you notice. I've changed i lied many times that im okay because i dont want you to see im hurt because it hurts you. But varo this is good because I won't hurt you anymore. Alvaro thank you, you are good to me. I love you so much.

Y/n           .

I look at her one last time. Y/n your wrong it still hurts me. The fact that im not able to see your face or even touch you. I hold her hand

"Your too good to me y/n... thank you for everything" i said while holding her hand "i love you"

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