Imagination - Alvaro

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I always imagine how it felt like to have a perfect boyfriend. You know what i mean perfect, like the ideal boy i want to spend my life with. But my ideal boy is really famous, like he's famous on social media and of course in our school.

We have the same class every year, you can think it's destiny but nah, it's just a coincidence to be in the same class as him. I never really got a chance to talk to him, i dont know if he knows me or if he even feel my presence. We talk when we're pair in a project but after that back to being unknown again.

But what if the day will come that he will approach me and ask me to go out with him. Let's just imagine for a while...

"Hey y/n" hearing his voice make your stomach feels weird. When you look at him you will get lost in his eyes and whe-

"Y/n" he snap his fingers in my face. It's not an imagine it's reality

"Oh... sorry what is it?" I ask him seating properly on my seat

"About the project" he said i just stare at him "can we do it later? Because i have an important thing to do on Saturday" he added while he rub his hands together

"Y-yeah sure" i reply to him

"Let's do it at my house" he said i nodded "I'll wait for you at the parking lot" he said

"Okay" i replied and he run back to his friends

I sigh, im glad I didn't said something at the middle of my daydreaming. But this is going to be a long day...


I waited at the parking lot. Yes me, alvaro said he was going to wait for me. He always said that, and im waiting for like about 20 mins after dismissal. I saw him leave while ago...

I stand there then look at my watch it's already 4pm. My mind starts to wonder again...

"Sorry to keep you waiting" alvaro said "but the true reason why i want to do the project today is that... i really want to spend time with you" he said while he was blushing

"What do you mean?" I ask him while hugging the papers close to me

"I like you y/n" he said while holding my hands

"Y/n!" A sudden voice cut my imagination when i turn my head i saw alvaro running to me, i look at my watch it's 5pm he make me wait for 1 hour?

"Sorry to keep you waiting" he said my eyes went wide because of what he said. Exact sentence he said in my imagination. I just stare at him "i too caught up the time talking with the boys" he said he open car door for me i hop in

He was driving and it was quiet. I don't know what to say actually but theres a part of me pissed because he make me wait for 1 hour.

"Y/n" he called me while his eyes are focusing on the road

"Mhm?" I simply reply, my eyes are wondering outside

"The true reason why i want to do tge project to day is that..." my heart starts to beat fast I secretly pinch myself if im dreaming or what because this is what im imagining while ago. I listen to him carefully "i have a date this Saturday" he said while smiling

Why do i need to get my hopes up that he will like me? I thought this is it but it turns out not. My heart broke into pieces, don't know what to reply to him

"Okay" of all the words running in my head that's the only thing i reply to him

Maybe i can be with him only in my imagination.

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