Oh Shit, Here We Go Again

Start from the beginning

"So, you mean you have no idea why I refuse to talk to you? You have no idea what you did? You- You know what forget it. We can't have this conversation while I'm sober." We approach the bartender and I ready myself for the attack. "Hey, uh excuse me? Yeah, please give me four of the strongest things that you got."I slide my credit card down the table, the bartender hands me four brown drinks.

I lift it to a toast, "To shitty beginnings," I down the shot and feel the familiar burn down my throat.

Matthew looks at me dumbfounded "What happened to you Han?" he gives me a look full of sorrow. The alcohol starts to hit me then Ev shows up.

"Hannah? What're you doing here? I've been looking for you around the entire club!" Eva comes closer to me and whispers in my ear. "I've made a couple of friends too," she gestures to three guys standing behind her, who look like they've all emerged from so sort of magazine.

"Boys, meet Hannah. Hannah, meet Andrew, Damian and Lee," the dudes give a weak wave.

Kate glances down at my empty shot glasses while I give the bartender a signal to bring some more.

"Are you drunk? You, Hannah Kowen are drunk?" I get up abruptly and grab Eva's arm and turn her to where Matthew is sitting.

"Ev. I'd like you to meet my ex-best friend. Presenting, Matthew Novaq! He specializes in screwing things up you know. Other than that he was a great guy! - I say in my drunken state. - You know, that's why I fell for him. Oops." I whisper-scream to Evaline. Matthew looks dumbfounded and confused.

"Okay Han. Let's get you home now. You're going to regret this tomorrow." Ev tries to grab my arm but I shove her off and look at Matthew. "Why'd you do it? I thought you were my best friend." Matthew starts to say something but Eva cuts him off.

"Let's go Han" Eva touches me on my arm and slowly walks me out of the club.

Ev hails a taxi and we both fumble inside. The taxi driver looks at us weirdly when Eva hands the driver a piece of paper.

"Hi! If I gave you this piece of paper it probably means that I'm on the verge of passing out, or as of right now, can't remember where I live. Below is the address of where I live. You could just drive there. Oh, and I swear if you try anything, like anything at all, just know I have friends from the underworld that I could go to and you could be assassinated. Thanks a lot!" 

The taxi driver gives us a weird look. Ev gives him a lopsided smile., with a weak thumbs up.

What can I say? She really is one of a kind.


I attempt to jam the keys into the keyhole, still a drunken mess. 

Eva and I stumble into the apartment and collapse on the floor. We both groan.

"Hannah! I don't know if I'm drunk or getting sober but, Matt seemed pretty sincere." Ev gets up off the floor and sits cross-legged in front of me.

I stand up slowly in a drunken daze. "You're drunk Ev. I don't mean anything to him okay? I'm just a person from his past. It's not like I'll see him again. This is Toronto! It's huge! Yeah, I see the look on your face-" Ev looks at me sadly "I'm okay! I am. Yeah, Matt was the one and the only guy I've ever loved, I mean he was the person who taught me how to love and made me aware of my feelings.  Of course, there isn't a day that goes by when I'm not thinking about him. But I don't want to see him. I don't have the strength to do it again Ev. The illusion that I've made of him in my head is enough-" I say through my voice cracking. "- I-I just. No. I'm done." I go to leave the room and I feel a small pair of arms wrap around me. 

Eva engulfs me in a hug. I stiffen. I don't feel the need to cry. I don't feel much. At this moment, I only feel the presence of friendship that I am so grateful for. 

Evaline and I stay like this for a good 5 minutes, when I hear light snores from beside me. I turn to see that Eva has fallen asleep. 

Not wanting to wake her, I strain to grab the small blanket on the couch and wrap each of us in the colourful fabric. I rest my head on Eva's and my eyes slowly flutter to sleep with drunken thoughts in my head.


I wake up the next morning with the absence of warmth beside me. My head is pounding. It feels like someone is drilling a hole in my head.

I look around with Ev nowhere to be seen. I scan the area and spot a small note stuck to the cushion of the sofa. 

I get up and groggily make my way toward the sofa and grab the note. 

"Hey, Hannah banana! If you're reading this I'm assuming you just woke up and are very hungover. I put my famous resolution to all hangovers in the fridge. I went to work, I'll be back in a little while. Don't worry I already called Boris this morning and told him to call if the author dude shows up. What would you do without me? Love you lots, your favourite roommate."

I roll my eyes and reluctantly get up from the sofa and stumble my way to the fridge. 

I yank the fridge door open and see a disgusting puke-coloured drink sitting right at the front. The infamous, atrocious cure to all hangovers. Or as Eva likes to call it, 'The more reliable than people drink'. 

I grab the glass and without thinking twice chug it. I feel the slimy liquid going down my throat and into my stomach. I gag. Surprisingly, my headache feels much better.

I hear 'Hedwig's Theme' start to play and I glance down to my phone which reads, 'Evil Gnome' "Ughh," I groan to myself in the emptiness of the apartment.

I pick up the phone and move it away from my ear as a precautionary action. What? You can never be too careful.

"HAILEY! HELEN! ARE YOU THERE!!???" My eyes widen. Unfortunately, that's the first sound I have to hear today. I mean, if I wasn't awake before, I am now.

"Yeah, yeah I'm here Mrs.Jones," I reluctantly say into the phone. I can sense a scream fest coming.

"YEAH, WHY AREN'T YOU HERE TODAY? WE HAVE A LOT OF WORK TO DO AND I DON'T APPRECIATE LAZY EXCUSES AND WORKERS!" Honestly, my arms are aching from holding the phone away from my ear.

"Uh, my shift doesn't start for like another half hour. It's only 10:30 ma'am. If you wanted me to come in early you could've told me beforehand," I smirk. I put the kettle up and make a cup of coffee, enjoying the feeling of being right for once.

"UH, I'M SORRY? I DON'T NEED YOUR ATTITUDE. I EXPECT YOU AT THE BAKERY IN NO LONGER THAN 20 MINUTES. See you soon!" She finished sweetly. Jeez, you'd think it was a different person talking.

"Ughhh," Yelling for like the third time today, flipping tiring. 

I drag myself to my room, with very little motivation and change into clothes acceptable for society.

I throw on a simple white button-down with light blue distressed skinny jeans. I slip into my favourite converse, grab my bag and coffee and ready myself for, yet again, another shitty day.

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Hey everyone!

I hope you're liking the story so far. What does everyone think of Matthew and Stefan? 

If you guys have any feedback please don't hesitate to leave me a message, or a comment.

Keep reading y'all!

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