Our Eyes...

90 3 9

Tird person POV

Long ago there was a legend of 5 people with special powers each...

If you looked into their eyes they will be able to see you and you are able to see that...

We Had the happiness...

The happiness is the kindest and the softest. People believe if the eyes of that person, they will get unending happiness...

The anger...

Normally they would use that to bully you and make you loose it and tell everyone about the thing that makes you loose it.

The people...

They know what you feel all the time, happy, sad, angry or scared... They are more likely to be your best friend...

The fear...

They will see your fear and use that to scare you, bully you and drive you to murdere...

The guilt...

Everyone hates them... They Don't wan't to remeber their guilt and shame, the prefere the fear over the guilt...

The legend says that preist will carve out the eyes of them and cut their limps off to get satans power out of them.

The legend says...

"Oh cut the boring crap, Dad!!! Get to the good parts!!!"

"Hun, you wanted the story, let your father finish..."

Ahem... Thank you...

The five heros gwt reborn every hundred years, and for the heros, living a normal highschool life, having powers and romantic drama getting in the way, the heros fight to survive the priest and strict highschool...


I woke up and strecthed yawning. I got up, brushed my teeth, took a bath, got on my clothes and got downstairs. I lived alone, since my parents were both doctors and they had a person, who had to give birth, and another near death and someone who is all the way in france, with lung cancer.

Being an only child isen't easy, but I know how to make time pass by, besides I have my friend Green.

Befor I left the house I out my bandana on. I wore it over my eyes... You see I am the son of joy, I can see others happiness if they look in my eyes and they can see what I see...

Green has the same power, he is the son of emotion or well the son of people. He can see a fake smile and knows everything about everyone, thats what makes him a great leader!

I walked towards the school happily. I had to walk through a forest to get to the School. I saw a boy wearing purple and also having a bandana over his eyes like me. "Hey, you ok?" I asked. He turned his head at me and nodded.

"Yeah..." He replied. I heard the bell ring and Ran. That was the first one. I was not gonna be late! Not again!

I showed up to math, Just in time!!!

I saw Shadow.

Shadow is the son of fear. He isen't afraid of showing his eyes, but when he saw me and Greens fear, he started wearing the bandana. You see I can't see other peoples Happiness if they have the same power as me and are Stronger. Shadow is way Stronger then me, therefore I can't see his happiness.

I saw the person wearing purple in my class. Green didn't have the same Classes at me in the start, after lunch we had the exact same classes.

I listened to the teacher, but UGH!!! Math was so boring. I decided to sit and sketch instead.

All the teachers thought we were blind, cause of our bandana and we hd figured out another way to see.


Finally Lunch!

I skipped down the hall and accidently bumped into Blue. Ok I have had a crush on Blue for six months now.

He as well has powers and is the son of rage, also known as anger. If you look into his eyes, you will see your anger and he will know. He knows how to piss people off, except Green.

"Watch it!" Blue warned me, but he helped me up. Its progress! Maybe he will stop that aggressive tone soon!

I got to lunch and saw Green sit at a table with our food. I got over to him and smiled at him. "Hello Green!"

"Hey Red, have you met Vio yet?" He asked me.


"Who is Vio?" I asked. Soon enough the boy wearing purple walked up to us. He had on a purple bandana, me a red, Green a lime green, blue an aqua blue and Shadow a black bandana.

"This is my cousin Vio!"

He waved at me, not smiling. "My names Red! So your the son of...?"

"I'm the son of guilt..." Vio said, still not smiling.

The son of guilt.....

Shadow POV

In math class I saw a very attractive guy. He had blonde hair and damn, he had such a beautiful jawline and body! I couldn't see his eyes. He must be the son of guilt.

His ancestors must have been so hot! Wait, what am I thinking!? Am I still a bit drunk from last night?

Last night me and my brother Dark wen't out drinking and we ended up getting drunk as hell! I still have a hang over... Damn my head hurts...

In lunch I found out his name was Vio and he IS the son of guilt.


We had a secret club named devil eyes. Thats what the religious people called us. "Guys, this is my cousin Vio. He transfered here!" Green told us all.

"Mind showing them how guilt works...?" Green asked carefully. His cousin, Vio, nodded.

"I wanna go first!!!" Red said excitedly.

Vio took his bandana off and looked into Red's eyes. Red was the weakest and as expected, after only a few seconds he began crying.

Vio hugged Red and tried to comfort him. "It is not your fault... You didn't do anything wrong... You were young and that person only wanted you to feel pain... You still have the scars Don't you..?" Vio told Red.

Red nodded sobbing and crying.

"Impressive!" I said and took of my Bandana.

"Bring it on!" I said. I am the strongest, there is no way he could-

When he looked into my eyes the memory flashed befor my eyes.

The man took his belt back on smirking. I layed there crying. I was at that time only 10. "Remeber its all your fault! You made me do this" He told me.

I felt disgusted. My uncle had raped me and left me in the forest all alone and cold. Dark had found me and my uncle got in prison.

He kept telling me this was my fault and that I made him do it, that it was all my fault that I was guilty...

It all dissapeard, leaving me holding back tears. "That man... He used you... It was not your fault... You were a curious child and you didn't know about anything, still doing as everyone told you... He used that against you..." Vio told me and that me sob. I put my bandana back on.

"Alright... You win..." I said crossing my arms.

Red had fallen asleep, cause of his crying.

I glanced over at Vio, when he was taking over Blue and seeing his guilt. His eyes were a light shade of purple, but they had a hint of Blue in them.

He was so handsome...

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