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Forward I'm heavy, but backwards I'm not. What am I?

Ton. If you spell 'ton' backwards, it would spell 'not'.

What question can you never honestly answer yes to?

'Are you asleep?' How can you answer this with yes or with honesty, if you are actually asleep?

Feed me and I live, give me drink and I die. What am I?

Fire. If you keep adding fuel (feeding it) to the fire, it will keep burning. However, a little water will extinguish or kill it.

What are the next two letters in this series? J F M A M J J A S O

N and D. These are initials of the months in a year.

A man is born in 1946 and dies in 1947, yet he was 86 years old. How is that possible?

He was born in room no.1946 and died in room no.1947, 86 years later.

What is as big as an elephant but weighs nothing at all?

An elephant's shadow!

I go through towns and hills but I never move. Who am I?

Road. A road goes through most of the places, but never itself moves.

How do you double your money in the easiest and fastest way?

Place it in front of the mirror! The reflection will make it look like there is twice as much as actual money.

Who has four eyes but can never see?

Mississippi. It has four 'I's in its spelling, but still it cannot see as it does not have an eye. This riddle is more about the homophones I and eye.

Who has hands but cannot clap?


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