Chapter 4

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This was my freedom galloping through the paddock, riding astride going places and doing things that Joe and I have done. It was the only way that time was bareable.  The nights were spent looking up at the stars and knowing that he shared the same moon. But the Southern Cross was mine and mine alone.

Lying there one night looking up at the stars I made a plan. If Joe couldn't come to me. I was going to get closer to him. I knew Australian soldiers were going to England when injured and also when on leave. If I didn't see him I would find someone who had seen him or spoken to him. I told my parents that night, their reaction was expected.
" What do you mean your going to England?" my mother started to panic.
"I have to go so that I can be closer to Joe."
"But you won't be closer to him, no you need to stay here and wait for him to return, James say something."
"Rosie I'm afraid you Mum's right. A young woman going accross the world in a time of war, I've gotta say it's not very safe, the boys will be home before you know it."
I could see I was loosing this battle.
" She won't be going alone, I will go with her. " Helen spoke with defiance and confidence. She moved to stand beside me with her arm around my shoulders.
" Well what do you both hope to achieve, what will you do for money?"
" We will be fine. We will have our own adventure, and with any luck we will see our men." Helen continued with confidence " We will leave next week, I will take Rose back with me when I go home and book our passage for next week."
Helen turned me around and we walked out of the room and out to the visitor quarters where I had slept since Joe left.
"Do you think they will forgive me?"
"For following your heart, for wanting to be with the husband that you only spent three days with?" Helens expression dropped I looked at her asking.
"What.... What's wrong?"
"Do you think they will forgive me, Ive not only taken their son I'm now taking their daughter. We both laughed at the prospect of angry parents. We stayed up talking most of the night.
" Will you miss the farm. "
I rolled onto my stomach.
" Yes of course. But I miss Joe more."
I smiled shyly.
"He's my life I can't breath without him."
Helen smiled and hugged me.
"We will both have our men close in arms before we know it."
That night I had the sweetest dreams.

I woke to Mum knocking on the door.
"Good morning Rose. This letter has come for you, it's from Joe." I didn't even notice mums distance as she spoke.
I snatched  the letter and ran to the bed hungry to read his words. To read his thoughts. I read the letter four times just to understand his feelings. I woke Helen and gave her the letter that Bobby had written.

Reading his letter just gave me more incentive to leave and get to England so that I could be closer to him and possibly get some kind of information on how he was, where he was but most importantly that he was still alive. Even if I didn't see him just knowing that I was closer to where he was would be a comfort.

That afternoon we took the hour buggy ride to town so that we could be dropped off at Helen's house. When we arrived we planned our passage to England. We had one hurdle to pass that hurdle included coming up with a story that could get us there quickly and boarding in a week.

We told them we were going to England to become nurses to serve King and country. Low and behold it worked we got on a ship in three days with that story. The next thing in England would have to be a place to live. When I got to England I would write to Joe and let him know where we were. When we were comfortable in the ship Helen had an idea.
" Rose, what do you think if we became nurses for real?"
" what.... You mean look after the troops?"
"Why not they are short of help, it's all about the war effort isn't it?" I had never really thought about it but I thought it made sense in a funny way. At least I would be able to find out about the wounded and if anyone had  been with him or seen him. It was a long shot, I know, but I had to try.
" I don't know if I'm nurse material."
Helen placed her hand on mine.
"You're one of the most caring people I know."

After what seemed like months, in reality it was only days. We arrived in England safely. Excitement filled both of us. We arrived at the boarding house and dropped our bags off then went down stairs for a pot of tea and plan our attack.
" Did you see that hospital on the way here may be we should apply there?"
" We should visit tomorrow and see what we need to do."
"Your serious about this nursing thing?"
" Yes of course, Rose we did not come all this way to not show effort."

That night I set about writing a letter to Joe.

My Darling Joe

I have wonderful news for you and Bobby. Helen and I are in England. We have moved over here to be closer to the two of you.

Oh my darling I just couldn't be on the other side of the world with out knowing if you are Ok. Oh Joe I miss you so much, I love you more and more every day, I miss you terribly. I pray that your safe, know that I love you with all my heart and soul.


Under the Southern Cross Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora