Chapter 2

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That kiss was the start of some of the happiest days of my life. We spent months having picnics by the dam. Gazing up into the night sky, stealing kisses. Staring up into the night sky one night I could sense his eyes watching me. His voice broke into my thoughts.
" I love you."
Before I could speak he learned over and passionately claimed my lips. My arms linked around his neck.
" I love you too." I sighed "Joe I'm so happy, everything is so perfect right now."

That night we thought nothing could touch us, we believed we would be together forever. This happy warm place we found ourselves would protect us from everything. It was a nice thought that couldn't last.

Tea was over and Father, Mum, and myself where sitting in the front room I remember Mum and I were doing our usual needle work and Farther was reading the paper. The smell of his pipe was familiar and comforting. All week they had talked about the prospect of war breaking out. Something about some important person being shot, something about the Bulkans. We were all so far away from it all. Farther said that it would never progress, we both believed him. That night I retired to bed early, I sat at my bedroom windowsill looking out on a stary night taking comfort that Joe and I were both under the same stars. The next day Bobby and Helen arrived for lunch Joe had smiled as he locked eyes with me. He jumped off the buggy and held me in his arms without a word. I pulled back slightly to look into his eyes.
"Joe, what is it?"
"I just missed you."
Somehow I knew there was more to it. We sat together during lunch his hand under the table on my leg. Then it happened my world came crushing down.
"I would like to say something." Bobby cleared his voice. I could see Helen become quiet and her gaze dropped.
" Joe and I have signed up, we enlisted we leave in a week."
I just sat there unsure what to say. I could hear Mum crying and father got up and shook their hands Helen comforted Mum. All this time I just sat there saying nothing feeling nothing. Then the warmth of Joe's hand touched mine. I looked at him in shock without speaking, I left the table and walked out to the verandah. I heard his footsteps an spun around to ask the questions I needed answers to.
"Why are you doing this, everything was perfect, why, why would you leave me like this?"
He was by my side in seconds holding my hands in his
"I love you Rose I love you so much, I don't want to hurt you, but I have to do this."
I held his face desperate to make him understand.
"You don't have to do this, Joe you really don't."
He pulled me close to him and kissed me deeply like it would fix everything. He pulled back to speak
"Rose marry me?"
"Why so you can make me a widow?"
"So I have something to come home to." the tears streamed down my cheeks he wiped them away with his thumb as he continued.
"I love you so much Rose, I have never felt this with anyone, I want you to wait for me, but not as my girl but as my wife ."
I nodded my head, my heart so full it was ready to overflow.
"Yes, yes Joe I will marry you."
He lifted me were we stood and kissed with heat and passion igniting flames leaping at my heart. He placed his forehead on mine
"Yes." I held him close not wanting to let him go.
"You make sure you come back to me Joseph Hill, you hear me?"
He held me tighter in response to my fears. I felt secure and safe in his arms. The warmth of his body comforted me in ways I could never explain.

It was a whirlwind week. We got married at the farm. I wore my very best dress with the light yellow sash. My flowers came from Mum's garden and of course Father gave me away. Mum did my hair and placed flowers in it.
" Rose, you look beautiful." She looked at me,  the pride was evident in her smile. Her smile became sad.
"Are you sure about this?"
I looked up at her and spoke simply.
"I love him so much."
" Yes but are you really sure, it's all happening so fast."
"Mum, I love him, he makes me happy."
"Then that's good enough for me." there was a knock on the door. I squeezed Mum's hands.
" Come in."
My farther stood in the doorway.
"Rosie, you look beautiful, every inch a lady."
I crossed the floor and took my father's arm he walked me down the stairs.  The stairs  were lined with fresh flowers and silk wrapped around the bannister. Helen had done an amazing job decorating the house it was everything I could of ever wanted. I walked past friends, Bobby and Helen were at the front with Farther an Mum. Finally I was given to Joe standing in front of the priest from the local church.
" You look beautiful." Joe whispered while learning forward. I smiled.
"Thank you, you look pretty good yourself."
I remember dancing all night in his arms and never leaving his side.
Just before everyone left Helen pulled me aside.
"I have made up the visitors quarters for the two of you for your wedding night." She hugged me tight she whispered quietly in my ear.
"Breath through the pain, it will be wonderful." before I could ask what she meant Joe had his arm around my waist and confetti was being thrown our way.

Just before we went through the door Joe swept me up into his arms and carried me into the room. We stood there looking at each other and fear crept into my inner core.
"What will happen to us Joe, how are we going to survive this?"
"Knowing my luck it will probably all be over by the time I get there, and I will have to turn round and come home." his smile did nothing for me that night.
" I'm serious."
"We will be fine."
He started to remove the clips from my hair I could feel it tumble down my back an settle at my waist.
"My beautiful Rose, skin like porcelain and scent of clean linen." his voice was thick and low hardly audible. His head bent forward and kissed my neck. I turned my head just a little to give him access.
"I.. I haven't done this..... Before." my words came out breathless. He was making me feel sensations I had never felt before. He obviously knew what he was doing. H spoke in between kiss on my neck.
"I know, I won't rush you, I will be gentle.... I promise."
Without another word I was air borne, in his arms being carried to the bed that took up most of the room. We kissed with a passion and a ferocity that I didn't think existed. I opened my eyes and he looked at me with a questioning glaze. I silently nodded. I knew with him I was safe. He lowered himself on me my eyes became big as I gasped gently. He smiled looking down at me. Then with one strong thrust pain, a burning sensation. Joe let out a moan that I had never expected to come from anybody. Tears formed in my eyes as the pain slowly subsided. I felt raw inside but it didn't take away the passion and fire that was burning deep with in, all  being fuled by the love and lust that I was feeling. These feelings were so new to me never had I ever felt like this.

In the morning I woke to see Joe looking at me.
"Good morning Mrs Hill."
" Good morning Mr Hill."
"You must never wear your hair up again."
" I can't ware it down..... Well maybe just for you." I couldn't hold the giggle any longer. It bubbled out of me quietly into the pillow.
" Don't get shy now Mrs Hill, not after last night."
I laughed and playfully slapped his arm.
" No, I mean you were a wild woman."
I buried my face in the pillow embarrassed by his words. We both laughed and enjoyed the moment.

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