Kaylee Jones~Part One

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Kaylee tightened her sail and looked out from the deck, the salty breeze going through her hair. A thrill rushed through her. The youngest competitor. The rest of her opponents just saw her as a small teenage girl to overlook. But she was going to prove them wrong. She was not someone to underestimate. It was strange, the night before her competition she had been so nervous, and kept on assuming the worst that could happen. But now that it was really happening, all she could see was the joy. 

   Kaylee had always been like that, though. When she was nine years old her father persuaded her to go on a roller coaster, and the entire time she was waiting on line she was so terrified her stomach started to hurt. She kept on thinking about the drops, how long it would last, and how many times she would turn upside down. But when she finally got on, it ended up being her favorite ride and had been ever since.

   She had been travelling for three days now, and while sitting on a ship was mostly boring, it gave her time to catch up on her reading. Kaylee sat on a small chair with the sun to her back and continued her book. She was nearly done with it, and the last time she read it she had ended off on a cliffhanger. Quite metaphorical considering what she was about to experience. 

   Kaylee was reading peacefully when a shadow fell across her book, making it hard to see the words. She frowned and turned around, expecting to see a small cloud covering the sun. And while there was a cloud blocking the sun from her view, it was under no definition small. Dozens of dark gray clouds floated in the sky before her, rumbling like a stray cat who hadn't eaten in a long time. 

   Kaylee slammed her book closed and tried to turn her boat around, but the wind was far too strong. Kaylee turned and screamed at the wind. 

"Oh come on! I'm Kaylee from Massachusetts, not Dorothy from Kansas!" 

   Thunder sounded, leaving Kaylee to wonder if the sky was laughing at her or her joke. The sky's laughter turned louder and more ferocious, and the sea churned as if it wanted in on the laugh too. 

   As her boat rocked from side to side Kaylee knew that no matter how many knots she tied, or ropes she pulled, nothing was going to get her out of this. Minutes or perhaps hours passed as Kaylee sat above deck hoping she would get out of this alive, but the wind seemed to be mocking her saying. "This is the end for you." Again, Kaylee found herself thinking about drops, how long it would last, and if she would turn upside down. 

   Kaylee looked over the edge of the dock and saw something strange. It looked like the ocean had ended, but there wasn't any land in front of her, but rather more water. It looked an awful lot like a waterfall but that was impossible. There weren't any waterfalls in the Pacific Ocean. Kaylees eyes widened when she found herself getting closer to it, and she realized that the water wasn't rushing down, but up. And it was taking her with it. 

   There wasn't any time to ponder about how logical a reverse waterfall was, there was only time for Kaylee to grab a rope and tie herself to the mast. And so it was with one last deafening crack of thunder, Kaylee was sailing up a waterfall, trying her best not to swallow any sea water. 

  Then, Kaylee hit her head on the back of the mast, knocking herself out. That was why she didn't see her ship crash on a rocky island, and the three Japanese men surrounding her in panic.

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