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      Two months later

"The kids are sleeping,let's watch a movie while I massage you..and carry you to bed"Adonis whispered in my ears.I nodded willingly lying on the cushion.

we were processing our papers to leave the country.we now had full custody of Don and Del.they were legally our kids now .

I couldn't ask for anything more."mmmm"I moaned as Adonis massaged my neck.

  Crack I heard behind me as Adonis fell on the floor.I stood up and met Dan's eyes.he was standing there with a gun on his hand.

I ran over to Adonis.he was bleeding on his head but was still breathing.

"Well well well..what a perfect family. I was filled with rage watching you for two days waiting for an opportunity to do this"Dan smirked.

"What do you want from me?we broke up.I'm married"I said.

"Broke up?married?you're real funny Ace..you are mine no matter how you convince yourself..mine..mine..mine"he yelled.

I hoped the kids wouldn't wake up.

"I'm not yours"I replied.

"You ran away to be with my best friend. For one year I thought he was helping me look for you but he married you and what?started a family with you..Jonas Kim..my ass"he Said.

"How did you..."I asked

"How did I find out?I read his texts..I wondered who Adonis saved as heartbeat and he didn't tell me about it.so I followed him, I followed him  and was happy until I found out  that you were his slut..how could you betray me..how could you"he cried.

"You betrayed me first..you beat me up and got engaged.you raped me occasionally..Dan I don't want anything more.
Just leave us alone.please"I sobbed.

"In your dreams..you're going with me..or I'm going to shoot him and take you too..either way..you're mine"he smirked.

"I'll go with you..don't hurt him"I stood up quietly.

"Good boy..good boy"he dragged me.as soon as we left our bedroom.Adonis jumped behind his back hitting the gun out of his hand.they got into a fist fight as I tried to run outside ,Dan threw me into the book shelf.It cracked. I crawled and picked up the gun
Dan overpowered Adonis and placed him in front of him using Ad as a shield.

"Go on shoot him..shoot him common Ace"Dan taunted.

"Yes..shoot as self defense..shoot the both of us..please Ace..trust me babe"Adonis said.

Tears blinded me as Dan threw Ad off him and easily took the gun from me.

"Daddy..papa.."Del called from their room.

"Stay there..I'm fine..I'm coming to you"I called.

I heard sirens sourrand our house.
"It's the police ,you're sourranded.drop your weapons and raise your hands above your head.slowly come out." The police announced.

"Who called the fuvking cops?fine..since I can't have you..I guess I have to shoot you and kill myself too..let's die..all of us"Dan pointed the gun at me.

Adonis jumped in front of me as soon as Dan released a shot.everywhere went silent as Adonis fell in the pool of his own blood.I screamed.the police rushed in and handcuffed Dan.

"Adonis..no..don't leave me..no..no..no..you can't do this to us..you can't leave me"I cried holding him.

The emergency unit came in and carried him away. I tried to follow them.

"Ace..you're not in a good condition.tend to yourself"Kat stopped me.

"Ad"I said.

"You can't be like this in front of your kids..It's What Adonis would want"she said.

"Ad ..I can't leave him alone"I shook my head.

"I'll go"

"Thanks"i hugged her and watched as they drove off.
"Daddy"del and don ran to me and hugged me

"Were you scared?"I asked
"No..Don called Kat.when we saw the bad man beating papa..we called the police"Del said.

"I did"Don puffed out his chest proudly.

"I'm proud of you..let's go dress up and meet papa in the hospital"I led them inside

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