help me

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The rest of my days was spent in the bedroom.Dan came home in the night when he was drunk he raped me and sometimes beat me up.

Today he let me into the sitting room.his fiancee was visiting.While they ate,I sat down looking dead,she kept looking at me weirdly.

"Can we go upstairs?I want to look around"she smiled at Dan.

"Yeah..yeah"he led her upstairs.
I looked around and saw his keys lying on the floor.I picked them up and immediately hid them.

Few hours later,they came downstairs.

"It was nice meeting you Ace,let's talk more next time"she smiled at me,I nodded.

"I'll go drop Fallon .I'll be back soon"Dan led her out.I waited for ten minutes before running upstairs to pack a small bag.I ran out of the house,my heart beat faster while I searched frantically for a taxi in the estate.

"Where are you running off to?"Dan's voice stopped me.
"I..I..I.."I stammered.

" see..Fallon lives just two blocks away.I purposely kept the key and you fell for fell for're so easy to fool"he told me laughing as he dragged me into the gate and I tried to scream.he closed my mouth with his hand and effortlessly carried me into the house with one hand.he threw me on the bed.

"I'm sorry..I'm sorry Dan..I'll never do it again..please..please"i pleaded.

  He removed his belt and lashed me a few times before tearing off my clothes.

"YES..but I have to teach you a lesson...take it as a punishment"he smiled and entered me forcefully..I could feel the pains and wet warm blood tickle down my legs.I was wounded and I looked up at the monster thrusting in and out of me and closed my eyes shutting the world off.


   "Hey Adonis"Dan smiled as we walked into the sitting room.

"HEY ACE..are you okay?you look sick?"Adonis asked.

"Yeah..I got the flu last night"I smiled avoiding his eyes.

"One of my client got this house and he needs a house warming party...any suggestion're good at decoration"Adonis looked at me.I knew he was talking about my house.

"Why are you asking my depends on the person's preference"Dan stood up and went to the bar to get drinks.

"Help me..I need to escape"I whispered to him immediately.

"Is Ace coming to party..the Evan birthday party?"Adonis asked

"No..he has a huge project..I'll be coming with my fiancee..let's talk ..Ace..go upstairs"Dan smiled at me.
I ran upstairs not minding the pains on my lower part.


I.don't care how to do it but all I knew was that I really needed to escape from this beast.I needed help so I sat down and packed a small bag for escape.

"Hi babe"Dan walked in.

"Hi Dan...I'm sorry about the way I've been,I want to throw out everything behind us and start new couples"I smiled.

"Really?sure?then why did you pack a bag"he went to the closet and searched everywhere but came up with nothing.luckily I hid the bag inside another bag.

"I didnt"I struggled.
He smirked at me.

I need help.
From anywhere.
I want to escape this sick beast.

Someone help me..please. .help me

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