Chapter 3

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Stefans Pov:
Ah break time. One of the best times. At the collage we go to we can leave at break and lunch. Max, Zayn and I usually go to the park at break and go for food somewhere at lunch. But today was gonna be a little different. Max still thinks that we have all forgot his birthday. And, I'm not gonna lie, it's becoming a little difficult to keep up the act. But, now was time to put phase two into action. While Max was talking to Jess, me and zayn went to go talk to Mr Browne and Mrs Potter. They where helpping us set up the instraments on the stage for the surprise. Me, Zayn and Max are the only ones who use the music room thats for the teachers so everythimg is already set up for us. About 5 minutes later, we where done. Everything was looking so good. Me, Zayn, Mr B and Mrs P where so proud.

Zayns Pov:
Once the bell rang for 2nd class, Max came looking for us. He said that he was wondering where we was so we laughed and said that we was looking for him aswell. Luckily me and Stefan have class near the entrance to the stage and Max has his class at the other side of collage so he couldnt see us go onto the stage. About 10 minutes had passed and then we heard an announcement on the tannoy asking everyone to go to the hall.

Maxs Pov:
Once we heard the announcement we got up and made our way to the hall. Everyone was confused because this has never happened before. Once we got in the hall, I ended up standing with just Jess because i couldnt find Stefan and Zayn. Then suddenly out of nowhere the light turned off. Everyone was worried now, we where scaired we went into some sort of lockdown. WHERE WERE THE OTHER TWO. I was getting mad and worried at the same time when suddenly the stage opened. No one noticed though. There was a little cough from the stage that grabbed everyones attention. Ah. Stefan and Zayn where safe and on the stage. WAIT. STEfAN AND ZAYN WHERE ON THE STAGE. What was going on. They both had mics on so everyone could hear them. Then i heard the words. "Happy birthday to out best friend in the whole world. And our brother". This was all a set up for my birthday. I was soooo happy. Then Zayn said "You ready to blow the house down?" And Stefan replied with "I was born ready". For the next 4 hours we had a dosco/ dance style party and Zayn and Stefan where doing All the music (with help from Mr B and Mr K of course). They sang songs like Midnight Memories (one direction), Teeth (5SOS) and loads more great tunes. They didnt forget my birthday. I was so happy.

Zayns Pov:
The whole thing worked so well. There was me singing, Stefan on drums, Mr Browne or guitar and Mr King on keyboard. It was honestly so much fun. But even though the party ended, the night was just getting started. By the time we got home it was around 5pm so it was time for some food. We decided to go to a delicious sushi restaurant called Ethans. It was soo good. We then got back home and Stefan went downstairs to get Maxs present from his room.

Stefans Pov:
I brought Maxs present up from my room and he opened it. He seemed so happy. Me and Zayn got him a onsie and something just from us. I got Max a necklace with a cross on it and Zayn got him a really cool guitar pick

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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