The Blonde One is Planning Something

Start from the beginning

Upon seeing the exchange Dio furrowed his eyebrows. It was obvious to him that Jonathan trusted you. He wasn't so sure if you felt the same way. You seemed rather awkward around the blue haired boy. It didn't really matter anyhow. He had decided to go the longer route and gain Jonathan's trust. It might be more difficult to gain it with you in the picture. Perhaps if he gained your trust first Jonathan would be inclined to follow suit. Since he hadn't seen you before now, Dio thought it was likely you hadn't known the young Joestar for very long. He could use that to his advantage as well as his very persuasive way of speaking.

Mr. Joestar, not at all aware of the tension in the room, spoke, "Now that we are all acquainted, let us begin our meal."

After he spoke several servants came in and out of the room gently placing large trays of food. The amount of it all seemed unnecessary, but you weren't one to complain over a free meal. The aroma of the various foods filled the room making your mouth water. The others had already begun to place various delicacies onto their plates so you figured it would be okay to grab some of your own. You began to reach for a rather scrumptious looking roll only to be stopped by Jonathan.

"Please, allow me to place the food onto your plate. As a gentleman it is only right for me to help you." He took your plate and was about to place one of the rolls on it, but Dio stopped him.

"Oh please. If you were a real gentleman, you would have served the lady first. I'll do it, as a real gentleman."

Sure enough, Dio hadn't grabbed any food yet. You didn't care though. Looking at all this food had made you hungry and really just wanted to fill the empty hole in your stomach. The two were now playing tug a war with your plate, neither paying any mind to the slight rumbling of your stomach.

Mr. Joestar stood up from his seat, obviously irritated, "That's enough! Jonathan! Dio! You know better than this. A real gentleman would have allowed the lady to actually get some food!" Mr. Joestar sat down while Jonathan found a sudden interest in the floor and Dio took the chance to take the plate and begin putting various foods on it. Seemingly a little bit of everything. He walked over to the other side of the table to place the plate in front of you. You mumbled a thank you as he walked back to his seat.

You now glanced at the several forks and spoons at the sides of your plate. You didn't want to use the wrong one but asking would show you didn't know the use of them. Jonathan noticed your hesitation towards picking up a piece of silverware. He lightly tapped your foot under the table to get your attention as he grabbed one of the forks from his line up of silverware and ate a bite of one of the foods. Seeing what he was getting at, you copied his selections.

Dio also realized your hesitancy and now knew that you were likely not of the same status as the Joestar family. He smiled to himself as he ate his meal. This girl probably wasn't any different from him. She was likely trying to find a way to the Joestar fortune through Jonathan. Perhaps he could make an alliance of sorts with you. You'd receive the same benefits by marrying him if Jonathan was out of the picture. If he were to ask he'd need to get you alone, though. That could prove difficult with the blue haired boy at your side.

The four of you finished your meal, or at least what you could eat of it. Servants came back in to remove the plates and platters. You quietly spoke, "Thank you for the meal, Mr. Joestar."

"It is not a problem (Y/N). I'm simply glad my son has found a friend."

Jonathan helped you out of your chair and led you out of the dining area. Dio trailed a few feet behind the two of you. The three of you sat on a couch that you found to be quite comfortable.

"So, how did the two of you meet?" Spoke Dio, breaking the rather nice silence that you and Jonathan were sharing. The two of you glanced at each other and shrugged. You knew Jonathan wouldn't appreciate it if you told Dio the whole story, not like you'd tell him anyways. His very presence seemed to boil rage from within you. You likely would have punched him for virtually no reason if Jonathan hadn't been there to counter it with his own presence.

"I was just walking back home when I saw Jonathan near a tree. We started a conversation and decided to remain in touch." Your words were true and indeed Jonathan seemed relieved that you didn't share the whole Dio part of it. Maybe not relieved, but more that he trusted you enough to feel you would not share anything about the topic of conversation.

"That's nice, I suppose. (Y/N), what does your family do?"

"Well, since my father died, my mother has begun selling her art. I believe she was inspired by Mary Cassatt. She uses a pseudonym though, makes people more likely to buy it if they think a man painted it."

"Oh? How interesting."

Dio continued asking questions while you gave back answers. Most of the time Jonathan just nodded along, he already knew all this. The answers he got from you were much more in detail than the short answers Dio received from you, though.

You didn't mind the questions all that much, but being almost smushed between the two boys was kind of uncomfortable. You interrupted Dio's next question with a "Sorry, but it's getting kind of late. I should probably head back home now." You laughed awkwardly for a few seconds.

"Oh, of course." Responded Dio. He almost seemed offended that you had interrupted him trying to gain information on you. "Would you like me to accompany you to your home?"

"No, I'll be accompanying her home. I'm the one that brought her here after all, and she barely even knows you."

"Umm yeah, I'd feel more comfortable with Jonathan there." You were definitely not going to be alone with Dio. You were getting used to Jonathan's company anyways. The blue haired boy began leading you out the front door. You turned to Mr. Joestar who had just entered the room, "Thank you for allowing me spend time in your home, I greatly appreciate it."

"Of course, it's not a problem. Feel free to visit whenever you like."

You and Jonathan got back into the carriage. It began the rather short journey to your home. Jonathan shyly put an arm around you, pulling you slightly closer to him. You smiled a bit at this and gently leaned your head into his shoulder. Jonathan was a good friend.

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