Chapter 14 ~ Matt

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"So, you'll talk to him then." Brooklyn sighed putting her head in her hands for a moment. She pushed them up through her hair then looked at me. "Yes, I just want to have a couple days of peace before we get into something again." That's not the answer I was looking for. I got up from my wooven chair to sit next to her on my small pourch couch.  "Look the baby will be here in what, three weeks? I don't want her here while you guys are still sorting things out. Don't you want to hold her in your arms for the first time, look up at Josh and smile full- heartedly without knowing you have a fight to attened when you get home?"  

Tears welled up in Brooklyn's eyes again, we've been at it for a while now. "Look Matty, I understand what you're saying but I don't want him to take off again." I rolled my eyes at her then my face got serious again, "What we're you planning to do with it anyway..." I trailed off unbearbly. The blood drained from her face then, she looked even plaer than Josh at this point, and he was practically a vampire. Brooklyn starred straight through me completely absorbed by nothing. "Brooklyn, answer the question." I checked to make sure the words hadn't come from my lips. Well I thought she was looking at nothing, Josh was soft spoken and brushed past me easily.

"Josh I..." she rabiddly chipped away at her nails even though there was no polish over top of them. "We're you ever suicidal," Josh shook his head and restated, "I mean, other than that one time."

"I- I've told you everything," she stammered nervously. "Not nesessarily, you could be hiding plenty from me and I'd never know the difference," He paused for a moment and crouched down next to the couch, brushing her cheek lightly with the backside of his hand. I observed them for a while, listening intensely. "No," Brooklyn finally surfaced from a shaky place deep in her throat. "I did this then," Josh replied tugging lightly at a piece of his hair. Brooklyn shook her head defiantly because she didn't have the voice to. She suddenly pressed her lips to his, and no I didn't mind. She closed her eyes comfortably and Josh kept his open starring deep into the portions of her face he could see.

Everthing felt reassuring then; they would be okay, I would be okay, we're all going to be just fine. Myranda came out of nowhere and tugged at the shoulder of my shirt. I looked back at her and she flexed her fingers towards herself. "Come on," she whispered with a smile. I followed her through the screen door to our house that Josh had left to freely hang open. I didn't bother to shut it though, because I was afraid of breaking them apart. I checked on them once more through the nearby window. Myranda giggled at me then and drew me close to her, "Your work here is done, let's go to bed. I'm sure they'll let themselves out."

                                                                                            *     *    *

"Hmmm," Myrand gasped then, "Matty what about this one?" I narrowed my eyes at the magazine page scanning the dress up and down. "Eight," I decided and shoveled more popcorn into my mouth. She was in sweatpants and a short sleeved shirt, her hair in a sloppy bun low on her head, and a hint of eyeliner as well as some lipgloss. We sat on the couch as everyone else was absorbed by the t.v. Myranda rolled her eyes at me then turned to Brooklyn who wore a new gleam on her face. "That would be a six hun," Brooklyn confirmed. Myranda sighed and pressed her bright green sharpie to the page to scribble a small 'x' in the corner.

Brooklyn patted her shoulder lightly. "Dont worry you'll find the perfect dress, besides you have months to figure that out. The bigger parts involve cattering, a church, reception room, decorations, cake-" 

"Okay, okay, I get it. No need to freak me out," Myranda rushed and nugged Brooklyn's shoulder. This only made her laugh, "And don't forget about the flowers," she rang out in a taunting manner. "That's all lies, all you have to worry about is the honey-moon," Mike cut in then turned in his chair to wink at her. "You all really are no help," Myranda sighed. Everyone broke out in laughter at that. I wrapped one arm around her waist and pressed my forehead to her's. "Don't worry about them," I whispered and cupped her chin with one hand; drawing her in for a kiss. She kissed me back and smiled up at my as we pulled away.

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