Chapter 38- Prom and Attempted Murder

Start from the beginning

"If you don't have any, why have Silas torture Klaus?"

"He deserves it. I know what would make me happy or what I would want if I could feel things. Same with anger and annoyance, its like a phantom limb," I try to explain but she looks at me confused. I sigh. "When somebody gets a limb amputated after a bad accident, they still get these phantom pains from where the limb was. They know the limb is gone but they still feel like it's there. That's how my emotions are, I remember them but I can't use them, I guess."

"Do you want them back?"

"Not really. I mean I know that this isn't permanent and there is a part of me that's telling me to ruin things for everyone, that they deserve it, but I know that they'll come on eventually, I just want to enjoy it while it lasts," I answer before making it to my mansion and taking my car to head to the prom venue. As it turns out, Caroline actually listened to everything on the list and I almost feel satisfied before it fades. I shrug it off and head to the dress shop where we all ordered our dresses. I see Caroline's car but she must be putting her dress on when I walk in and get my dress.

I just finished putting my dress on when I hear Caroline and Elena's conversation. "Pretty dress, Caroline," Elena says.

"I know. You helped me pick it out months ago when we were friends-- before you tried to kill me," Caroline snarks, and I laugh, giving away my presence.

"Oh, your dress is pretty too, Jessica," she states in fake sincerity and I smile.

"Thanks, I always did have far better taste than you," I return. "Heard you came back with your boyfriends. I'm sure that was a fun ride," I continue when I catch sight of Rebekah. "And now your monitoring Rebekah to ensure she doesn't use any vampire powers. Wow, you're just as pathetic as when you feel things," I add sweetly and she frowns as I look at myself in the mirror. I don't really like this dress but something tells me that I'll need a new one before tonight anyway. I ask the shop worker to press my dress and get dressed.

I head to the grill, forming a plan to mess with Rebekah by making her fail Elijah's plan while I eat. Once I'm done, I walk into the dress shop and sure enough, Elena stole my dress. I smile at her and head to the Mikaelson mansion. I walk in to see Klaus drinking in front of the fireplace. "Well, well, look who showed up. Don't tell me you've decided to hand over the cure," he says dejectedly and I snort.

"Yeah, hard pass." I suddenly put on a sad face. "Although, I did think you were going to be my prom date being as we were dating, now I'll have to go by myself," I whisper, mimicking his tone. "Not that it matters, since Elena stole my dress." He studies me before sighing lowly.

"I'm sure I can find a dress for you to wear," he offers and I raise my eyebrows.

"Wow, you are way easier to manipulate than I anticipated. I hadn't even started the manipulation, although now that I think about it, it was more of a seduction," I state and he rolls his eyes.

"You aren't manipulating me, I just happen to know how much this means to you and even if you don't care now, you'll be upset if you miss it when your emotions come back on. Now stay there and I'll get your dress. I'll even be your date, if you'd like," he offers and I shrug, not missing his grin, knowing that he wants to be my date, whether to be close to me before I go back to hating him or to watch Rebekah, I don't know.

I pour myself a glass of bourbon and down it before I feel his presence behind me. I turn around to see him dressed in a nice suit and wonder how he changed so quickly, before he begins to speak. "I know that you're original dress was red to match Caroline's but, I always did enjoy seeing you in gold," he says, holding out a gorgeous golden dress.

"Well, it's almost like you bought that dress specifically for this occasion," I joke and he chuckles.

"Yeah, well maybe I was testing out apology gifts."

"They won't matter, I can't feel forgiveness," I point out as I take the dress from him and get changed. When I come out, he has a corsage that he places on my wrist before he takes me to his car, opening my door for me and driving me to the venue. He opens my door again as I look around. Everything looks pretty amazing, especially the slideshow. I have such great ideas, I think as Klaus links our arms and walks me into the prom. I feel the eyes on me as I walk in, although I don't know if it's from my popularity, my dress, or the handsome older guy on my arm, but I ignore it.

Klaus leads me to the dance floor and we dance before he excuses himself and I go to start my plan, heading for the ballots. I can't get to them, however, because Rebekah and April are talking and they won't stop. Right when I think I might get a chance, I feel a hand on my arm. I turn to see Damon. "May I have this dance?" He asks and I roll my eyes but let him.

"I guess," I respond and he chuckles.

He leads me to the center of the dance floor and begins to talk as we sway. "You look beautiful. Sorry Elena stole your dress," he whispers and I glance at her before laughing.

"Yeah well she doesn't have the rack to make it look good so really she just screwed herself." He sighs and I realize that he is trying to invoke a reaction from me, which is when I realize that Stefan is dancing with Elena and whispering to her as well. "So what, you decided to take us back to junior year and relive mine and Elena's greatest hits with the Salvatores in a hope that we turn it back on?" I see the guilt in his blue eyes.

"I just want to help," he defends. "Besides, I didn't fight when you let me go to be with Elena. I'm fighting for you now."

"Yeah well, it's too late. Maybe if you had fought then, I wouldn't have had my heart broken by Klaus and I would be my usual less than normal self," I counter, pushing him away. I'm about to leave when I see Silas. I open my clutch and give him the cure, just to spite everyone, and walk back inside as April gets on stage to announce Prom King and Queen.

"All right, your prom king and queen are...Matt Donovan and Jessica Gilbert!" She exclaims and I make my way to the stage. I accept my crown and share my one dance with Matt before making my exit. I don't have to dodge the Salvatores since I know Silas is screwing with them. I walk outside and take off my heels to begin my walk home. I make it to the parking lot when I sense Elena behind me.

"I see you found a new dress," she states and I roll my eyes at her observance. "April was supposed to make Rebekah Prom Queen," she says before speeding to me, about to attack, when she drops in pain. I amp it up and feel the wind increase behind us but I stay focused on Elena and causing as much pain as possible.

I hear her begging me to stop and I hear the Salvatores show up, asking for the same thing. I hear Damon tell me that I'm killing her but I don't stop. I see blood coming from her nose and she suddenly starts throwing it up. I focus on the pain until I see it, I see her humanity come back on and I stop.

"Bummer, I was hoping you'd let me kill you while you weren't feeling anything," I frown as Elena begins to cry. She talks about Jeremy and the woman she killed and I roll my eyes. "Well, that's my cue." I turn to leave, only to see Caroline, who stabs me in the neck with a needle, injecting me with something that makes everything around me go black and I'm suddenly happy that I gave the cure to Silas just so they don't get it.

(Jessica's original dress is above)

(Jessica's original dress is above)

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(Jessica's dress from Klaus)

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