Bold is Grounder language

Time skip to three weeks later

Bellamy's POV

" Hey Bellamy we got to talk about Luna." What about her? " she was with a grounder when I found her." Why would she be with a grounder they would kill her on the spot. "They would have but she is important to them because of her blood." What about it? "Remember her blood is black." Yeh but what's so important about it? " the grounders are ruled by people with Black blood." So Luna has a chance to Rule the grounders? " she would have to kill other black blooded people to win." She can't kill she is to Young. "I can kill by myself Bellamy and it's not like you would care." Luna how long where you there? " long enough to hear everything and I got you guys food for the tenth time today  and you just got to skin it or do you want me to skin it myself?" No we got it. " well I am going to go see The grounders oh and don't stop me." What would happen if I stoped you? " I got Grounders all around camp it was orders by Anya since there is a conclave in in two days and I am going to win." You can't do that you would die. "At least I would die a warrior." You can't as your brother I won't let you go. " well then Jus drein jus daun." What does that mean? " Blood must have blood big brother." I don't want that I will let you go but we come with you to this Conclave. "I am not the one to decide that it's Anya and Roan's choice." Well call the grounders that are circulating around us. " Stand down come in they want to talk. But Natblida they are outsiders. Do you want me to kill you? No sorry Natblida. Good now Skaikru this is Trikru and Azgeda in English this is the woods clan and Ice nation. "Wait how long have you knew these grounders?" Noun of your business. I try walk always but Clark grabs my arm and holds a knife to my throat. Let me go Clark you don't want to start a war. "We need Answers Luna. Hey let go of our Natblida." Kill them now. "Yes Natblida. Wait don't." Why you scared now Clark? Just because they killed one person?   "I don't want to spill blood just make peace." Well then Jus drein jus daun.. "Jus drein jus daun. Jus drein jus daun. Jus drein jus daun. Jus drein jus daun. Jus drein jus daun." I smile as the Grounders repeat what I said. "What does that mean?" Blood must have blood that's what it means Clark. "No you can't we are your people." You are not my people when I was left alone so when I say blood must have blood. I will spill blood to protect my people. "Hey Luna Can I come with you." I would love your company O. "No you two are staying here with me." When did I ever listen to you Bellamy? "Please Luna I don't want you to get hurt." Well bellamy I got the grounders with me and all the grounders know I am a Natblida. "Well let's go Luna."  Sure send out a rider to Anya and Roan. "Yes Natblida." Hey O do you want to ride a Horse? "Oh my god there still alive?" Yes and they are amazing. "Hey your not listening to me." I grab my sword and cut Bellamy's arm. Don't touch me I got to prepare for the conclave. "But I am your brother." Yes you are my brother but I have people to protect from Skaikru. "What does that mean?" Sky people I know you will kill these warriors to protect your own skin so I am going to protect them. " Natblida 
Let's go  wait at the bridge Lincoin is already there ." Okay O you ready?
"Hell yeh." I smile and ride off with the grounders that were ordered to watch me and obey my command. "So how is it like being important to Grounders?" Well when I found out I was speechless and I accepted it and I am happy I did I got to meet amazing people. "That's good I hope you win the Conclave." I will Octavia I have been trained by Anya and Roan and a warrior of the woods  clan and they have been Teaching me very well. " so you can kill without remorse?" Yes at first I hesitated but it got easier. " can you teach me?" I would love to I smile and we arrive and the bridge. " hello Natblida and who is this?" Oh Anya this is My sister Octavia. "She looks like she can be a great warrior." She can Lincoin has been training her. "Oh that's good because when you win your going to need a second." Oh I totally forgot and I will win this Conclave. "Good you still got that confidence. Yes she is still strong hearted ." I smile and I look into the woods and see Bellamy,Clark, Finn and Jasper and monty. "Hey grounders. What do you want Skaikru? We want peace. How can I trust you? You left Luna alone in the woods with nothing to protect herself. We were going to look for her but we had to save someone's life first. Well I have to ask Natblida about that."

"Can we trust them Luna?" No there are more Skaikru coming they are the ones who locked me up for being born and killed my mother so I won't trust them to keep there end of the bargain. "Well done Natblida spoken like a true leader." Thank you Ayan. "Do we go to war with them?" No we wait and see what they do.

"How can we trust you Luna told us that Warriors are coming down how can we trust you when the bargain can be easily broken? They are the gaurd and I can talk to them." Yeh the last time you talked you killed a little girl Clark. "Hey Luna stop it it's not her fault it's stupid Murphy's fault."  Hey you don't talk about Murphy like that and I don't need to listen to my brother who never cared what happened to me. "Luna please think about your people." I am thinking of my people and your people will hurt my people when they get down here.

A/N: so sorry for the wait I have been very busy but I will try update more soon.

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