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He stumbled as he walked with Yansoon towards the village, feeling extremely nauseous. He'd have to visit Doctor when he put Yansoon back in his stall. Yansoon flicked his tail, and smacked Vu's rear with it, causing Vu to stumble again and fall down. "Yansoon!" He yelled, getting up and smacking Yansoon on the beak. With a screech, Yansoon took off towards the village, leaving Vu alone to stumble home. "Damn it Yansoon..." He said, wincing at the pain and nausea from his stomach.

Continuing to stumble and fall around like a drunk man, He finally made it to the village, only to be questioned by Senior. "What happened?", " Why do you look so sick?", "Did you eat something?" Were all qeustions he could barely awnser.
"I-I need to see Doctor." He said shakily, holding his stomach. "I'm so nauseous I can barely move." He said, starting to wheeze.
"Oh dear. Here, I'll help you walk." Senior offered, taking Vu's hand in his.
"T-thank you." He responded weakly.

"Doctor! Vu needs you!" Senior announced once the two had arrived to the Shaman's hut.
"What's the problem?" Doctor asked, hurriedly walking into the room.
"I feel so sick I can barely move." Vu said weakly.
"Let me see..." Doctor said. "Please take off your mask, Vu."
Vu removed his mask, and stumbled slightly.
"Alright.. Sit tight." Doctor said, running off to the herbal storage.

"Okay.. Vu, eat this. It should make you feel better." Doctor said, holding out the herbs to him.
Vu took the herbs, and ate them quickly. He didn't want an awful taste in his mouth.
"You should feel better soon. Though I'll be monitoring you. Stay here. Sleep in my bed. You'll feel better after a bit of rest."
"Okay..." Vu said, still wincing.
Helping Vu under the bedsheets and layers of blankets, Doctor patted his back. "I'll help you feel better. Don't you worry."

Legacy; A Male Pregnancy storyWhere stories live. Discover now