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Two and  half  years have passed . Jon and Sansa have been married and are expecting their first child .  Time has flown by , Jon and Sansa have actually spent most of their time in the True North helping Tormund with Sansa's project of the glass gardens and the sewing assembly . It has taken off and the gardens are providing enough food for the Freefolk not only to be sufficient but to also trade , the sewing assembly has also gone well and now they are selling their goods and trading with the North. Bran, as King in the North,  has also incorporated a lot of Sansa's ideas in the North as well . Jon has had to go back and forth a few times to Kings Landing to finalize all the dealings that the North will have with the rest of Westeros since it is the only province that is acting independently . Jon has acted as somewhat of a liaison between the North and the Crown . This has enabled a smooth transition back to independence for the North and it has enabled the North to get favorable trading routes and deals with the rest of Westeros .

Jon can't believe it , he never thought that he would have a family . Let alone a family with Sansa , but now he's here he's having a child with the love of his life. He's scared , his thoughts have drifted to his mother , he is scared as to what Sansa has to go through.  He has been like Sansa's shadow for most of the pregnancy , Sansa for the most part has not objected  However now that she is having trouble even walking by herself she is cranky and ready to deliver this baby .

They are getting ready for bed one night and Jon removes his clothes and climbs in bed next to Sansa . She turns to face him and they are in bed facing one another . Sansa starts laughing .

Jon: Whats so funny ?

Sansa: I bet you never thought that you'd be sleeping next to a woman who's almost as big as your dragon.

Jon :  You're not quite as big as Rhaegal , yet !

Sansa : What ? { she playfully throws her pillow at him}  Jon starts tickling her side and Sansa can't stop laughing . Jon , Jon stop it or I will pee in this bed , I have no control of my bladder you know.

Jon: Oh ok. How are you feeling wife? Do you want me to rub your back or your feet? Can I  get you something from  the kitchens before we turn in?

Sansa : {She coos,  and lays her head on Jon's chest .} No I don't want you to go anywhere, just stay right where you are husband , don't move.  l want you just where you are.{ Jon starts stroking her hair . She wraps her arms around Jon's waist } . I never thought that I could feel so happy again . But I feel so lucky . We are here, I'm your wife ! { Jon chuckles} We're having a baby ! Arya is here , I think she will marry Gendry any day now . Bran and Meera are here and they have their little Eddard. Sam and Gilly are here with  little Sam and baby Alys, Brienne and Jaime are here . Pod is here and I think he is sweet on Jeyne you know ?

Jon : No I did not know that. Are you trying to pay matchmaker again , wife? That has not always gone so well you know ? The cook and the new stablehand were your latest attempt and every time she is mad at him she ruins the food! Jon laughs .

Sansa : Jon Snow are you being selfish ? I just want everyone to be as happy as we are ! Is that so wrong ?

Jon : No , you have a wonderful heart Sansa but not everyone can be so lucky as to marry Sansa Stark !

Sansa : Well I know that no woman could be so lucky as to marry Jon Snow . Kiss me husband .

Jon leans down to kiss her and and as soon as he does Sansa lets our a sharp hitch , then she lets out a yell . 

Sansa : Jon , Jon get Sam I think it's time .

Jon :  Yes ,  yes , I will get him right away . I"ll be right back Sansa . Don't go anywhere I will be right back !

The Long NightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora