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Sansa had finished packing . There was not much to take . All she knew was that she couldn't stay . She would leave Winterfell , go North . Tormund would help her . She could get to Castle Black with a few of her loyal guards and she would leave Castle Black as soon as she decided where to go. Bran of course would know , she had begged him not to tell Jon where she was . Who was she kidding ? He didn't care , she wasn't sure if he would even come back . Even still she couldn't face him . He had broken her heart and chosen another . He knew how she felt , but clearly he didn't feel the same . She couldn't stand to be in Winterfell and see him with another . She also couldn't take his pity . He had already betrayed her more than she thought possible by bending the knee, without one passing thought as to what that would mean to her , to the Starks , to the North . Then he with  slept his Queen and rode off to help her regain her birthright . She needed to move on , she needed to start her life. It hurt to think of leaving her home that she had fought for , that Jon had fought for . But she could no longer be where he was. So  to the North it was .

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