~Chapter 4~ | Effervescent as Ever

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Swords clashed loudly as Alyn sat in the crow's nest above the main deck. Several crew members had grown bored, so with Drinian's permission, they had been allowed a friendly duel. Many pairs had gone up, and Alyn had found their techniques rather intriguing. For about five minutes, she had watched and studied as Drinian went up against one of the younger crew members, and the boy tapped out after just a few minutes.

She leaned on her elbows and watched as Drinian shook hands with his opponent, before looking up and seeing her peering down from the lookout. He waved sharply, and she saluted him with two fingers.

A mischievous look crossed his face as he walked over to Edmund and said something to him. She was far up enough to see their expressions, but be unable to hear them. Edmund's face soon matched Drinian's as he looked up at Alyn, who stuck her tongue out at him. He returned the favor quickly, before turning to search the crowd.

Her eyes widened as he approached Caspian with his hand on the handle of his blade, and grabbed onto his arm. Caspian spun around to look at Edmund, an amused smile gracing his features. Edmund spoke quietly again, out of earshot, as Alyn watched. Caspian looked surprised, but he nodded, ultimately grinning. 

The pair had moved to the center of the deck, and had brandished their swords at each other, grinning like madmen. They circled each other slowly, like tigers stalking a piece of prey. 

Without warning, Edmund lunged and their swords clashed together, metal scraping against metal. Alyn whooped loudly, much to the amusement of the crew. They moved around each other in a frenzied, yet graceful dance. Hopping lightly back and forth, and stepping into an offensive, their dance didn't seem to stop. 

Caspian lunged forwards, Peter's sword, now his,  caught against Edmund's. He twisted his blade over his head, expecting to pin Edmund, but the High King had other ideas.

Edmund ducked under Caspian's blade and swiped his sword sideways, bringing his body through a full twist before finding his sword at Caspian's neck, and Caspian's sword at his neck.

They grinned and shook hands, still panting slightly. Alyn grinned and wrapped her leg around the long rope that extended from the crow's nest to the deck. She vaulted herself over the edge and fell gracefully to the deck, her descent slowed and braced by the rope. Her boots hit the deck with a loud thump as she landed right next to the two Kings.

She brushed off her slightly rope-burnt hands and grinned at Edmund. Despite his towering height difference towards her, she was able to snatch her elbow around his neck and pulled him into a headlock. She ruffled his hair as he laughed loudly and smacked at her arm. He tapped her three times and she let go, smirking widely. Edmund brushed his hands frantically across his disheveled hair.

"Victorious at last," Alyn snorted. Edmund smacked the back of her head lightly.

Edmund gave her a challenging look, "Hey I wasn't ready. I bet I could win easily in a duel." 

Alyn nodded, "I genuinely bet you could. But we both know who's a better shot here."

Edmund rubbed a hand over his face in defeat, and he tried to repress a smile. He tousled her hair a bit, much to her displeasure, and set off to find his sister. She frowned a bit, before shaking her head.

"Having fun?"

Alyn jolted and spun around. Lucy stood behind her with a shit-eating grin plastered to her lips.

"I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about," said Alyn, a smile threatening to peak at the corners of her mouth.

Lucy waved her off, "You'll figure it out eventually." Alyn rolled her eyes, her attention stolen by the voices of the two kings aboard the ship.

"You've grown stronger, my friend." Caspian noted to Edmund, causing Alyn to turn her head towards the chatting boys. Lucy grinned at Edmund as he and Caspian shook hands.

"Seems I have," he said, a half-arrogant, half-joking smirk crossed his face. Caspian chuckled and shook his head a bit. The King sheathed his sword and set off across the deck

Lucy, who had, for the past few moments, been standing by the edge of the ship, turned to look at her brother. "Edmund," she started, catching his attention. "Do you think that if we keep sailing to the end of the world, we would just... tip off the edge?"

There was a curious edge to her voice, although it didn't seem faze Edmund much at all. He laughed and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Lucy smiled.

"Don't worry, Lu," he said, his head turning to Alyn, who shrugged. She then grinned, her eyes bright.

"I suppose we're a long way from there, if such a thing might happen." Lucy wrinkled her nose good-naturedly at her friend, who stuck her tongue out.

Their mood was enormously dampened when none other than Eustace Scrubb came tramping up.

"I see you're still talking nonsense," he snarled at the trio, crossing his arms.

"Always a pleasure, Eustace," Alyn said, causing Edmund to snicker.

Lucy gave the two a furtive look before glancing concernedly at Eustace. "Are you feeling better?" she asked.

"Yes, no thanks to you," he sniffed. "It's like I have an iron constitution." He tightened his crossed arms, his eyebrows pressed firmly together.

Alyn's eyes brightened as she saw the familiar mouse crawling across the ship's edge. She waved with two fingers, and he nodded back. He approached the quartet, addressing Eustace directly.

"You're effervescent as ever, I see?" he greeted, sweeping into a small bow. "Found your sea legs?"

"Never lost them," the boy sneered. "Its just given the shock of things." Alyn placed a comforting hand on the boy's shoulder. Or at least- tried to. 

Eustace promptly shoved her hand off and turned his nose up. "Mother says I have an acute disposition, due to my intelligence."

Reepicheep looked at Alyn and Eustace who exchanged glances of skepticism. "I don't think he has a cute anything," he said bluntly.

Edmund choked on the water he was drinking, trying to not laugh too loudly. He grabbed Alyn's shoulder tightly. She smacked him, but not without presenting a repressed smile of her own.

Eustace scowled at their laughter and announced, "I'll have you know that as soon as I find civilization, I'm contacting the British Consulate."

"Good luck with that," Alyn whispered, much to the Pevensie's amusement.

Eustace's frown became a glare and he stomped towards her, "I'LL HAVE YOU ALL ARRESTED FOR KIDNAPPING."

"Kidnapping, is it?"

Eustace was pulled away from her by the arm by none other than Caspian himself, who had a sarcastic, and mildly pissed, smile plastered to his rugged features.

"That's funny," he continued, briefly looking at Alyn. "I thought we saved your life."

"You held me here against my will!" he howled, struggling in Caspian's tight grip, which he ultimately loosened.

Caspian sidled up to Alyn, "Did I?" He raised an eyebrow, as if telling him to 'please continue.'

"It's completely unhygienic in those quarters," Eustace whined, clearly not taking the hint. "It- it's like a zoo down there!"

"He's quite the complainer, isn't he?" Reepicheep commented off-handedly to Edmund. Alyn looked at Caspian, who just shook his head. 

"He's just warming up," Edmund groaned.

Just then, Eustace decided to omit another ear-piercing shriek, causing Alyn to flinch.

"Excuse me," she said, holding a finger up and pushing past Caspian.

She sauntered up to the still-complaining Eustace and looked him dead in the face.

"Eustace," she raised an eyebrow.


"Do shut up."

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