"You're always cornering me during my only break in the day." She made sure to sound as accusatory as possible.

"You were in the library earlier," Chris corrected, sitting next to her on the other side.

She stilled, unsure of how to respond. Had she upset him by leaving?

"You weren't cutting class, were you?" Will joked.


"Wait, really? You? The saint of perfect attendance?"

"It's an extra class I'm taking. I told them I wasn't feeling well and went to the library to relax, but that didn't happen."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you."

She bowed her head and closed her eyes, unable to look at Chris. She sighed when she felt his gaze move away.

Will cleared his throat. "Well, this is depressing. Someone, say something funny."

"That's your job," she heard Chris mutter.

His toneless voice sank her mood even more. She hadn't meant to make him as miserable as her.

"Are you free this afternoon?" She looked up at Will. Was he seriously asking her that? "Don't look so surprised. Just answer the question."

"According to Natalia, I'm never free. She always wants me to run errands and get ahead on homework," Elena added when a strange looked passed between the brothers.

"And what do you say?" Will pressed.

"My schedule is open, but I doubt I can do anything with you guys."

He smiled and his eyes took on a mischievous gleam "We'll see about that."

The brothers caught up with her again after the last class let out, pulling her into a side hallway when she started walking toward the parking lot.

"What are you doing? Leighton is going to blow a fuse if I'm late again."

"Don't worry about that. She already left."


"Will got your stepmother's permission to come over to our place as long as you're back home by ten," Christopher explained, raising his eyebrows at the end when he mentioned the strangely early curfew.

"Oh," was all she could initially reply. How had they gotten the witch to agree to her having fun? "When did you schedule this?" she asked when she finally recovered from her shock.

"I just had a free period and got bored," Will answered. "So... who's ready to go on an adventure?"

She glanced at Chris who was also looking at her expectantly. She shrugged. "Me, I guess."

Will shook his head and wagged a disciplinary finger at her. "That is not the right attitude for someone who is about to have more fun today than she probably has since we moved."

He had no idea how true that was.


Chris watched Elena as she fidgeted beside him in the back seat of the car. He had opted to join her rather than sit in the passenger seat, hoping to gain more insight about her new personality by observing her up close—but to no avail.

"What are you thinking about?" he finally asked, breaking the silence.

"Just trying to figure out what Natalia's motives are," she muttered, not looking away from the window.

"That's a very broad, almost existential question," Will quipped from the driver seat.

"For letting me come with you," she clarified. "She never lets me stay out."

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