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Note: 1 ducat is worth (rounded up) $149 a piece today. I don't know if the witcher uses a different measuring system but Cintra's currency is ducats so i'm using that because Romavek is like Cintra's sister but more secretive and probably not as badass

Darceria could feel the atmosphere shift when Geralt entered. The patrons within the tavern fell silent and the music slowed down until it was silent too.

She turned her head in his direction, waiting for his scent to take over her senses. This would tell her that he was drawing near to the table she was at.

As Jaskier slipped onto the bench beside Cirilla and Zephyrina, Geralt sat down next to Darceria.

"Good morning, Geralt!" Ciri greeted him with enthusiasm and a smile.

"Good morning, Ciri." Geralt nodded his head once at her. He heard Darceria next to him inhale softly. Her heart began to race quickly and she turned her head away from him.

"Darceria?" Zephyrina noticed a look of panic that crossed the redhead's face.

Darceria opened her mouth to speak and turned her head to Geralt. She didn't say anything for a few moments.

"What did you do?" She whispered. He wasn't entirely sure what she was talking about but he had an idea.

"I will talk to you later."

"No." Zephyrina objected, furrowing her brows together as she looked at the two across from her. "I am sick of all the secrecy! If there's anything you need to tell her, you can tell her now."

Geralt held Zephyrina's gaze, locking his jaw tightly.

"Darceria's sister came into my room just before Jaskier and I left." His words were harsh and bitter as he spoke. He was frustrated with not only Zephyrina but Gisela and himself as well.

"What did she want?" Darceria asked quietly.

"She tried to blackmail me."

"With what?"

Geralt locked his jaw, casting his gaze across the room rather than to any at the table.

"With what, Geralt?" Darceria repeated, this time a little more stern.

"I don't want to talk about it here." He spoke quietly.

Darceria took a slow deep breath, turning her head away from him. He saw the way she locked her jaw, upset that he wouldn't speak. Zephyrina could see the irritation in Darceria's face. Her eyes flickered over to Jaskier.

"What happened?"

"Oh, I-I don't-I couldn't-,"

"Gisela knocked him out with a spell." Geralt cut the bard off, glaring at Zephyrina. "She wanted to talk to me."



"Enough." Darceria spoke loud enough to silence the majority of the tavern. "If he wants to keep secrets, let him."

"It's not-," Geralt stopped himself, closing his eyes tightly as he took a steady deep breath. He didn't want to lose his temper. He stood from the table and stormed out of the bar.

"That wasn't fair, Darceria." Jaskier frowned at the oracle. "Whatever it was that she told him, he'd never keep it from you without reason."

Darceria said nothing to him.


Darceria followed the witcher's slow heartbeat and found him by the river that passed the village. He stood on one of the steep embankments, his hands curled into fists by his sides. Darceria could taste the anger in the air, bitter and unpleasant.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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