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Note: So this story sort of takes place 4 months after the Battle of Sodden. Which means Ciri has been traveling with Geralt and Jaskier for those four months. Just a PSA. Also PSA #2. I have been sort of using Scarlett Johansson with her dark red gorgeous curls from Iron Man 3 as Darceria in my head because ScarJo is my queen and owns me. PSA #2.5. Adelaide Kane has been Zephyrina in my head.

"Stay close." Geralt spoke over his shoulder to Jaskier, Zephyrina, and Darceria.

It was nightfall by the time they reached Pont Vanis. With the three horses at a boarding stable, the group traveled on foot to their destination.

Zephyrina's arm was hooked with Darceria's, providing lead and support to the blind woman. Her hearing was becoming worse, but there was nothing anyone could do except wait and hope they reached the mage Geralt had so much faith in.

It was evident the spell was wearing Darceria down. She moved slower and with less elegance than usual. There were dark circles beneath her white eyes and her breathing was short and shallow.

Geralt led the way to a large stone mansion. Ciri walked beside him and just behind them were Zephyrina, Darceria, and Jaskier. The latter had spent most of the day trying to cheer the ladies up. Zephyrina was worried about Darceria, and rightfully so. They didn't know what the spell placed on the oracle would do to her.

"I don't like this, Geralt." Jaskier voiced his opinion as he followed behind the witcher. "She'll want something in return, you know that."

"If we don't do this, Jaskier, then Darceria could die. I can hear her heart beating slowly." Geralt kept his voice low.

Zephyrina visibly shuddered at the thought of losing her sister, her other half. She'd gone so long by Darceria's side, she wasn't sure if she knew how to live without the redhead.

"Do you know who he's taking us to see?" Zephyrina asked Jaskier, her voice quiet so that only he could hear, or so she thought.

"She's an insane witch we ran into five years ago."

"That insane witch saved your life, Jaskier." Geralt reminded him.

"Should've let me die." The bard muttered. "Would've beat knowing that she-beast."

Zephyrina let out a soft sigh, turning her head to look at Darceria. Her eyes were closed, as they had been for most of the day. She was trying to focus on hearing, on her other senses. It was a fruitless effort, but the stubborn oracle refused to stop trying.

"How are you, Darceria?"

"Just as fine as I was when you asked me ten minutes ago." Her voice was raspy and worn.

Geralt came to a stop at the front door to the large mansion and knocked three times. The sound echoed and made Darceria flinch. She turned her head towards Zephyrina, her brows drawing together.

"If Jaskier becomes hostile in here, you need to do what you can to keep him calm."

"He doesn't like whoever this mage is." Zephyrina whispered.

"It's either we try this or sit idly by while I wither away and die, Zephyrina." Darceria snapped. She pulled her arm from Zephyrina's and moved forward.

The door opened to reveal a woman in a bland brown dress.

"We've come to see Yennefer." Geralt told the maid.

"She isn't seeing visitors at the moment." The maid tried to close the door on him but he placed his hand against it, easily keeping the door open.

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