- Chapter 2 -

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Key Words for this chapter:

(d/n) = Dad's name

(m/n) = Mom's name

(sr/n) = Skating ring name

" =  Speaking

' =  Thinking

(y/n) P.O.V:

Sup dudes, how are you? 

Who am i kidding, i'm speaking to myself god dammit. Anyway, today is like any other day...... or so I thought. Today is a Monday, and Mondays are the fricking wooooooorrrrst. I'm not exaggerating right now, (d/n) forces me to practice for ages and it gets annoying and really painful, especially since I have to live with pulled muscles everyday. But surprisingly enough, this Monday he hadn't kept me in too long and let me go home ('because we all know I don't wanna go there now') a lot earlier because he had something to attend to, and, i'm not even mad, i, surprisingly enough feel great today ('as great as can get with sore muscles'). But besides that, I get to spend more time at the Skating ring! (Sr/n) is my safe space, and i get to feel as free as a bird ('when birds where still free') flowing through the air like nothing else matters. The workers are kind enough to let me stay there for as long as i want to, which is usual up to midnight or so depending on how tired I am or the day it is, and bless them for that, i'm glad i have a place to be at when i'm feeling like total shit.

Some might say i'm over exaggerating when i say that the freezing cold of the skating ring calms me the hell down, but i'm sorry to break it to y'ah but i'm not over exaggerating. It brings me calmness that i could only feel with him, hold it, why am I thinking of him right now. The feeling of tiny particles of ice on my skin feel incredible when my skates brush along the ice scraping off the tiniest layers of it. The gentle breeze of the air cooler hitting my face, breathing in the cold, calming air into my nostrils. Remembering the fun of childhood when nothing was forced, remembering him, remembering how (m/n) smiled when i went into the ring. 5 years felt like eternity stuck, repeating the same routine from day to day, week to week, month to month. How long till even skating won't help me? Well, let's not think about that while skating with closed eyes. Wait- closed eyes? WHAT! Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit ,shit, balance you dumb shit, fuck i shouldn't have thought of that. Regain balance, come on don't fallllllll-


Owie my poor head. Now my ass is wet, fucking wonderful isn't it mate. "You okay there?"  What the- that is the voice of an angel. Omg, i'm in heaven. I opened my eyes and it took a maximum of 7 seconds to regain my vision. I- nope, i'm definitely in heaven. What a gorgeous blond haired angel came to take me to the lord. "OI, get your head out of your ass and answer me if you're okay. Jesus people these days."  Still an angelic voice but they sound angry, hehe it  sounds fricking adorable. "Ugh, my head hurts but i'm in one piece so i'm fine, what did a beautiful angel have to talk to me about?" Yes, a lot of sarcasm was put into that sentence.

Yuri P.O.V:

People really do be pulling my nerves . What sort of imbecile thought they have the audacity and right to sound so sarcastic, yet so fucking perfect. 'OI YURI GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER, HE IS AN IMBECILE NOTHING MORE.'

But his  voice sounds buttery smooth, yes he sounds like a total fucking imbecile, but with a perfect voice, what have the gods done.

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