Chapter 4 - Uncovering Secrets

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Varian POV

"It's time for me to reveal everything," he sighed. "Where do I begin?"

"How about the Brotherhood?" I asked quietly.

"Right. As you have guessed I am a part of the Brotherhood, a group of elite warriors who protected the moonstone from any harm. We are from a long line of warriors who were in the Brotherhood so if we weren't sent away you would have been trained at an early age to fight.

King Edmund and I were such close friends that we were like brothers from a young age. Adira and Hector were orphaned thieves who was driving my father up the wall because as head of the Brotherhood he was the captain of the guard and he simply couldn't catch them. One day Edmund and I caught them and seeing that they were only stealing to survive we asked them if they wanted to join the guard and train with us. They were incredibly talented when fighting. When we got our mark of the Brotherhood, I was appointed captain of the "new" Brotherhood. One day war broke out and father fought in it. He didn't make out alive even though he won."

"I'm sorry  dad. Couldn't have been easy." I mumbled, trying to process it all. My dad's eyes were glistening with tears that were threatening to spill but he quickly wiped them away.

"It wasn't but I had Hector, Adira and Edmund to help me. Anyways, the moonstone was getting out of hand and after Queen Minerva's, Edmund's wife, death, he had enough of the moonstone and tried to destroy it. It sent out a blast of magic and King Edmund fell ill. He ordered that everyone leave, including the Brotherhood and his son. We had no choice but to separate ways so we left. Hector stayed at the great tree, Adira parted at the Forest of No Return and Prince Horace was sent to an orphanage in Varados. I continued to Corona where my friend King Fredrick was. 

I started a fresh new chapter in my life in Old Corona. I met your mother, Catalina, and I courted her. We got married and had you. It was one of the best days in my life! But all good things come to an end....."

I leaned in closer as this seemed to be the first time he would tell me what actually happened to my mum.

"Your mum was an alchemist too, who was very shy. One day the black rocks were growing near the place of the sun drop flower so we went in the middle of the night to see it . We left you in a bundle next to one of the rocks and suddenly there was an explosion of blue light. Your mother had dissapeared without any trace except for the goggles. Then I went home with you and made lies to stop you from finding out. I was afraid that you would get hurt or dissapear like you mum. You are just like Catalina. She would be so proud of you, Varian!"

I was left speechless and my head was a mess. 

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