chapter 1 - Demanitus' Tomb

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I looked up to the cliff side. A little more to go and we would have the portal. Zhan Tiri would be finished! It hurt me to think that Cassie.....NO......Cassandra would be lost in a realm that no one knew of. I still loved Cassandra dearly though I knew it was impossible for us to be together. She had turned evil and she had made it clear at her tower that she wasn't going to change. But deep down I knew the brave strong Cassandra was there, my Cassie.

"Hey kid," Eugene's soft voice broke him from his thoughts. "Was wondering if you knew about you dad's....... erm. How do i say this? You know you dad's part of the Brotherhood, right?"

"What? No! He would have told me. We promised no more secrets."

"But why else was he not there in the pub while Blondie was rallying the people?"

"He's right kid," Lance added. "Adira told us as well."

"That's great! I wonder what other secrets he kept." I snapped. In a huff, I climed up the mountain.

As soon as I reached the top, I forgot all of my anger and squealed in delight. 



Time skip



We got inside thanks to Lance's genius brain, but i'm pretty sure it was just a really lucky guess. I had finally found the book and Kiera found the parts withe help of Catalina. Suddenly, a cold chill swept through the room. 

"Guys we should leave. Something doesn't feel right." I suggested.

"Um... Blondie?"

"Your right Princess. It feels like the Great Tree again." Lance added shivering.


"What is it Eugene? I think we should leave and then talk."



Lance whimpered and the girls cowered away from the exit which was behind me. Eugene held his sword in front of him and Varian clutched onto one of his alchemy balls. 

A shadow fell over me...

"Behind you..." Varian's voice trailed off.

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