(✓) 4.

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Revised and Checked <3

・❥・ Qian Kun ・❥・

"I'm going to sleep now. Good night guys." Y/N said as he left the room. He must have his room inside this house. We all looked at Jungwoo, who is currently fixing all of the mess we made.

"So, how are you, Jungwoo?" Lucas asked as the latter shrugged and continued to pick clean the room.

"You're not answering Lucas's question, dumb dumb," Yangyang said. He was getting irritated. Jungwoo sat down on the bed, sighing.

"Not that great to be honest..." Jungwoo said as I sat down beside him. The others didn't move from their position.

"Why, Jungwoo? Tell us. You're our friend." I said as Jungwoo looked down at the floor and sighed.

"I have a little crush on someone I know..." Jungwoo said as everyone widens their eyes. They went closer to the latter to listen.

"Who is it, Jungwoo?" Ten asked as Jungwoo's hands were shaking.

"I-It's....Y-Y/N..." That specific sentence made everyone, including me, very angry. How dare he have a crush on Y/N?! Y/N is ours!

Jungwoo stood up, blushing in embarrassment, and tried to go out of the room, but failed since Hendery and Winwin blocked the doorway.

"Oh, Jungwoo, you've done a mistake here," Xiaojun said as we went up to Jungwoo, who is currently shaking in fear.

To our surprise, the door opened, revealing Y/N with drooping eyes. Seemed like he forgot something here. Jungwoo went up to the latter and hugged him, which made us glare at him.

"Y-Y/N, can I-I...uh... stay at your r-room?" Jungwoo shakily said as the latter was confused, but just nodded at the older. Y/N made his way inside and grabbed his stuffed rabbit and went out with Jungwoo, leaving us alone inside Jungwoo's room.

"I want to kill that boy! I want to kill him so bad!" Hendery said as he angrily stomped, which made a loud noise. We heard groans from downstairs, meaning that Hendery disturbed the sleep of the people inside. He shouted a SORRY! to those who are awoken because of the stomp.

"Don't worry, Hendery. I have a plan to eliminate that threat, hehe~!" Winwin said as he smirked.


・❥・ Kim Jungwoo ・❥・

I carefully went outside of Y/N's bedroom, scared. I looked sideways and saw my parents and Y/N in the dining area. I sighed in relief and made my way out of the room. I didn't notice that the seven boys were behind me. They knocked me out using God Jihyo knows what and brought me somewhere.

I woke up inside a weird room with only a lightbulb in it. There were no windows around the room and it has a metal door. I heard some shuffling behind the door, which made me scared. The door opened and it revealed Kun and his friends.

"Hi, Jungwoo! Are you excited to die?!" Yangyang asked in a psychotic voice, making me look at him with disgust. He also smiled maniacally, which sent shivers down my spine.

They took out a box covered in special silk, which was very elegant. Kun opened it and took out something from it. He walked towards me with the thing he grabbed in his hand.

"You're going to be our little minion. You're going to help us get closer to our babyboy." Kun said as I struggled to escape.

"No! I will never be your minion!" I shouted. Kun held my jaw and tightened it, making me shout in pain.

"Don't worry, Jungwoo. You'll be our minion in no time."

A double update since I'm nice :)

love so sweet. wayv (✓)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant