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"Audrey I cant thank you enough" Sam said walking into the common floor with me.

"Honestly Sam it's nothing all I did was play dress up" I tell him looking down at the Elsa dress he bought me for his niece's birthday party.

"Are you kidding ! My niece thinks I'm like the coolest person ever now !" he says excitedly .

"I mean you did bring Elsa to her birthday party and your part of the Avengers" Clint commented from the couch with a bag of chips in his hand and a few in his mouth as he spoke.  I sit down next to him not even bothering to take the costume off. "It's not a big deal and besides it was fun. " I confess.

"Would you come as Elsa to my daughter's birthday party ?" Barton asks with puppy dog eyes. I sigh and pat both of their faces . "Yes I will Clint but rember 'Im a person not a party trick" They nod in words of agreement. "I mean why is Frozen such a big deal ?" I ask not understanding

"Dude it's the highest grossing film Disney has ever made and kid's loves it" 

"I still don't understand and I'm tired to Im going to my room and it didn't seem gross" I say getting up and heading to my floor. When the elevator door opens Bucky's in it. "Well hello Soldier" I say and stand besides him. "Hey Doll" he say's putting his hands on my hips casuing my to wrap my arms around his neck as we lean in for a quick kiss. "I was comin up to see ya"

"Oh were you" I ask pulling him back into another kiss but this one longer and sweeter but it quickly became deeper and more passionate. "Jump" he tells me and I do what I'm told     good thing this dress has a slit       He holds my up by my thigh's and carry's me to my room not breaking the kiss. thank god Nat and Wanda are on a mission this week

We geting to my room and he pushes me against the wall still holding me up as the make out session becomes more heated. He releases my lip's and started kissing down to my neck leaving marks making me moan. I can feel him smirk against me. I pull him back to my lips and he lays me down on the bed , my legs still wrapped around his waist as he repeats his actions from before .

Unfortunately a knock at the door interupts us. We both groan and Bucky stops his actions placing his head in my neck. "Not now " I yell to whoever's out there. 

"Afraid it cant wait" Tony said walking in . "God damnit Tony get out !" I yell throwing a pillow at him. He blocks it and speaks again. "Audrey , it's about 'The Four Horsemen Project' " he says

I sit up straight and push Bucky away a bit. "What ?"

"There are others , or there were . Just like you said You need to come see this" Stark says . I look at Bucky a bit scared and we follow Tony to the confrence room to check it out.

The rest of the team is in there. "Look" Nat say's handing me a folder with pictures in it. I gasp. There were kids in cyro tanks. Eight tanks each . Four of the Tanks were empty and the other ones are filled with kids around the same age I was when we started and they had bullet hole's in the middle of their forehead's. 

I gasp and cover my mouth. "Looks like you were right . There are others" Tony told me.

"Where are the other ones ? They should be teenagers" I ask

"We have no idea" Tony says worried.

"Well this isnt good" I say looking down at the pictures again

My Soldier       Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now