I see something different but interesting too. I'm guessing this was after I logged out.

It was a clip of Carson saying "I hope you didn't make things weird, Travis."

The guys chuckled until Travis started speaking "I mean she already knew Schlatt thought she was hot. I just said it again"

Then Cooper chimes in, "I mean she is pretty cute, I like her laugh" The clip ends with Carson and Charlie calling Cooper a simp and Travis giggling.

I also notice two notifications from Jschlatt.

(Jschlatt): Okay

And then a few hours later.

(Jschlatt): Hey so, since Twitch Con is in a few days when do you think would be a good time to hang out? If you have time for it

(YourUser): Hey! I don't think I'm all that busy so any time is cool :)

(Jschlatt): Hey! Is your energy back up? We kind of lost you there.

Man, was my vibe really off for the whole stream?

(YourUser): Haha, Yeah it's back up! I'm back to normal, how did the rest of your guys' stream go once I left?

(Jschlatt): It was just the same. Men being men, men talk

(YourUser): ah yes, men playing Minecraft

(Jschlatt): well what else are we supposed to play? Certainly not Fortnite.

I roll my eyes at his comment, of course he would say that.

(YourUser): You callin me a kid?

(Jschlatt): Well. If. The. Shoe. Fits

I liked his message, as a subtle conversation ender.

I decide to stream, this time with way more energy than last time.

In the middle of the stream Travis and Cooper go on discord with me, which I don't mind but I haven't had a full conversation with them, so I might be awkward.

"Hey, guys!"

"Heyyyyyy, (y/n)" Travis says. I feel more comfortable because Travis gives me little brother vibes. So I don't feel intimidated.

"Hey" Cooper says

We decide on just sharing pictures through discord and trying to see what can make us laugh. I then get a video from one of the people watching and it's the clip of Cooper.

I snort and they ask me what I was shown.

"Oh, it was just the clip from yesterday. The one with Cooper..." I don't want to finish my sentence because I'm cringing at having to bring it up in front of him.

Travis starts giggling and then so does Cooper. "Yeah, forget I said anything." The stream gets quiet.

"Nah it's cool" I say trying to keep the conversation going.

"(Y/n), I have a question" Travis says breaking the silence.

"Yes, Travis?"

"What's your type" Travis said sounding curious.

"I like skater boys, yeah" I start laughing

I hear Travis gasp loudly and Cooper starts giggling. And I join in.

"No, no, I'm joking every one. I'm not looking for anything at the moment. I'm just chillin. I'm gonna be chillin for a long time too"

The rest of the stream goes good, with friends being friends and no more ship talk. Which is good for me, I was starting to get annoyed.


Ommmmgggggg thank you for 1k readssss!!!!! I'm sorry this took too long, tingz were coming and going, but I'm back mostly!! Also I've been thinking should i do other ppls POV?? But i feel like I'd be bad at that like idk.,, anyways hope y'all enjoy :)))))

A Difficult Love Story (Jschlatt x Reader) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant