This Forsaken World Intro

Start from the beginning

January 21st, 2051. Earth

At the start of the year 2051, a strange device of unknown origin entered the atmosphere and detonated, releasing a thick red cloud of smoke that covered roughly a quarter of the world. The smoke soon spread throughout the planet, seeking out the most heavily populated area's as though it had a mind of its own. Any animal or human who inhaled the smoke fell to the ground, hacking and coughing as the smoke-filled their bodies. It was recorded that after exactly five minutes, the infected body would reanimate from a deceased state and attack anything that was not infected within sight. The world collectively called these reanimated forms 'Zombies', taken from classic literature and entertainment. Fortunately for humanity, the formation of the New Alliance Military made it easier to combat the plague and it was brought under control through isolation. Non-infected humans were relocated to walled-off cities where the reanimated could not get to them and everyone felt as though the zombies would soon die off from lack of food. This was not to be however as scientists and medical staff learned the affliction could keep the hosts active for centuries without food, somehow keeping the muscle mass and structure of the infected strong and mobile, needing no nourishment to continue functioning. Things seemed to stabilize with the isolation measures and once again the New Alliance Military turned their efforts towards the construction of a second fleet. The need to escape from the doomed planet becoming a higher priority than ever before.

December 1st, 2052. Earth

As the second fleet was nearing its completion and a new dreadnought class capital ship was finishing production, a massive fleet of nearly one thousand ships entered orbit and began to lay siege to Earth. The small fleet of New Alliance Military ships was swiftly overwhelmed and despite a short but valiant battle, they were forced to leave the planet, retreating towards the planet Venus where a small space station had been under construction as a midway point for refueling ships. The 2nd Expeditionary Fleet attempted to take off from the planet to join the evacuation, but they were struck from orbit by devastating weaponry and completely obliterated. Every available civilian or corporate ship took to the stars and followed in the wake of the 1st Expeditionary fleet and regrouped in Venus Orbit. The battle for Earth's surface and orbit lasted roughly one year, the enemy ruthless in their destruction of any armed resistance. Late in the year 2053, any surviving human who had been captured on Earth's surface was enslaved.

September 20th, 2053, Earth

The invaders informed the survivors and the remnants of the New Alliance that they were a race of beings called 'The Nocturnals'. They were identified as Vampires by human literature and entertainment, being sensitive to sunlight, pale of skin with sharp teeth and blood-red eyes. They resembled humans in body and structure, though they were slender, very fast and had twice the strength of a healthy normal human. There clothing, ships, and weapons were all blood-red or black with razor spikes adorning their surface. The race was very aggressive and forced the surviving humans into two categories, slave labor, and food. It was discovered soon after the invasion that The Nocturnals required fresh blood as nourishment to survive, the history of the race to be similar to Locusts, moving from inhabited planet to planet, sucking the occupants dry of blood and moving on to the next. In the history of the species, they had consumed over 600 planets, enslaving the occupants of each planet to help repair or build more or their spaceships and equipment before moving on.

2053-2054, Space/Venus Orbit

The human race was brought to the brink of extinction once more as any functioning ship made a retreat across the solar system. Luckily, the creators of the new starships had discovered a fuel source that was recharged using solar power. The space station near Venus offering the chance to recharge using the proximity of the Sun. The Nocturnal Fleet waited for several months before pursuing the rag-tag fleet of ships led by the New Alliance Military 1st Expeditionary Fleet, destroying the Venus Space station. As of this writing, we have been fighting a hit and run the war against the enemy, striking to disable before fleeing once more to put distance between us. The surviving ships consist of nearly one hundred vessels but only eight-armed and combat capable military ships. My squadron alongside a bombing squadron known as the 12th Hammer Squad has been at the forefront of every engagement. It is the job of the A.M.S. Star to defend the retreat of the fleet...but for every ship we lose, we cannot replace. The Nocturnal fleet seems to be limitless and pursue us without mercy, their ships are faster, more heavily armed and armored and fight with such aggression we struggle to survive each engagement. I've lost count of how many friends I've lost in this war if you could call it a war. To anyone who is reading this, my hope is that I have provided you with a chance at a future by fighting this enemy and that the lives of those who have fought alongside me or died on the surface of Earth in such horrible ways, have given you a chance at something new. Do not let those who have died to be in vain, live...and bring hope to any survivors of this terrible conflict.

Commander Devin Crowe

End Log.

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