Whereas before Jonghyun had never ignored Jisoo. The cute dimpled man always replies to her message, answers her phone and always comes when asked. When she was with Seungyeon though.

Jisoo is angry.

After breaking up with Seungyeon why is it that Jonghyun is more difficult to achieve?

When anger overcomes, that's when a letter comes to her house. A summons that got her at the police station today.

Jisoo has answered more than twenty questions. And now she was nervous half to death, worried that the police would know that most of the answers she had given were lies.

"Come with me, Jisoo-ssi."

Jisoo jumped in surprise, nodded, moved from her seat and followed a policewoman to another room.

Jisoo frozen for a second.

A few meters in front of her, Choi Daehyun sat in prison clothes and cuffed his hands.  Very much different from Daehyun she had known so far; Daehyun who is always stylish.

"You can speak to him. It's fifteen minutes."  Said the policewoman again before she left the room.

Now they sat facing each other, only obstructed by a table between them. For a moment they only looked at each other.

"I'm glad you're still fine." Daehyun starts talking.

Jisoo lifted her chin, haughtily. "Of course I'm fine."

"Is that so?" Daehyun smiled faintly, saluting Jisoo's arrogance when her hands were trembling clearly.

"Your lawyer can definitely get you out of here easily, right?"

Daehyun shook his head, "I didn't even hire a reliable lawyer."


Daehyun instead noticed Jisoo's face frankly. Her face was pale white, her eyes were small, her long hair hung down to her shoulders. All things from Jisoo that managed to make him interested at first sight.

"Do you still remember our first meeting?"

Jisoo blinked. Confused.

"The fashion show two years ago."

Again, Daehyun smiled. "Not."

"No? What do you mean?"

"That's not our first meeting."

Jisoo frowned even more did not understand.

"Meeting in my studio, when you were still working part time. You dropped mineral water at that time."

Jisoo forced her brain to recall old memories. A memory that has been long forgotten because it is too painful. Finally, when she managed to remember the memory, it felt as if she was pulled back to the past.

In an Italian restaurant.

Jisoo, who was still dressed in shabby clothes, struggled to bring many bottles of mineral water accidentally dropping it. Then a man gave him a new paper bag.  And thhe man said his name;  Choi Daehyun.

Jisoo was stunned.

Her eyes widened. The shock was clearly reflected on her face. When Jisoo looked at Daehyun, the man was also staring at her sadly.

"Do you remember now?"

"That is you?" Jisoo's voice was hoarse.

"I'm disappointed you don't remember."

Jisoo don't know what Daehyun meant by bringing up things that have passed now.  So she just kept quiet, listening to what Daehyun wanted to say.

"I know that summer you not only met me for the first time, but also with Jonghyun. You know, after the photo shoot I was looking for you, asking every crew in the studio. But they said you were gone. And no one knows where you live, made me lose track."

Fallin' In You (English Ver. Complete)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ