Chapter 1

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Lauren POV

I groaned as my alarm clock went off signaling it was 6 o'clock and I have school today. I hit the off button and fell out of the tangled sheets. Literally, I fell. I fell to the ground with a thud. I groaned and contemplated falling asleep there. I decided against it and pulled myself from the awkwardly comfortable floor. I stumbled into the bathroom and brushed out my hair. I had taken a shower last night so I could ease my way through the morning. I slowly but surely finished doing my hair completely. I walked back to my room and pulled off my pajamas. I grabbed random sweat pants and a comfortable shirt. I didn't care what I looked like. People would find something wrong with whatever I wear. Not like I have someone to impress. I looked into a mirror one last time after brushing my teeth and all that good stuff.

I grabbed my phone and took a quick picture in the mirror and posted it to twitter, Instagram, and tumbler. I put the caption: ' No one to impress and no reason to be there.' I posted it and almost immediately got response by likes, re-post, and comments. I smiled and put my phone in my pocket. I jogged down the stairs and grabbed a apple. I smiled at my sister running downstairs ready to go. "Morning Laur. Ready to go?" She asked me and I shurgged. "I guess." I said with a small fake smile. She smiled back and grabbed a banana. I ate half the apple and threw it away. "I'm leaving. Bye." I said and she said bye back to me and I was gone. I got in my car and threw my book bag in the seat next to me. I turned on the red and black 1969 mustang gt and drove to school. It took me three years of begging to get this car and I loved it. This car is like my baby. I pulled into the school and parked my car near the front. I stepped out the car and got looks of invy from some guys. I rolled my eyes and closed the door. I watched a white and red 1969 mustang gt fastback pull in just a few spots away. I awed at the car just like the guys did.

"Lauren someone might have as good as a car as you. Do you know who that is?" Austin, the captain of the football team, asked me. "No do you?" I asked him not leaving the car as a shorter girl with long chocolate hair got out. "Some people where saying she's the new teacher. But with a car and body like that she can't be a teacher." He said and watched as her huge ass fit into her slim black pencil skirt with a red and white button up shirt. "Look at what she's wearing. She's a teacher." I said and bit my lip. "Definitely." He said watching her ass as intently as I was. "Nice car." She said when she walked by. "Nice ass." I said with out thinking. Her face turned bright red and she walked away quickly. "Smooth Lauren." Austin said patting my shoulder. "Yeah I know. Perfectly smooth." I said and walked into the school to find my locker. I found it and put my things in it. I looked at my schedule and saw familiar names except for one. Mrs. Cabello. Is she the teacher I saw this morning? Is she nice? Will she find me weird because I said she had a nice ass?

I groaned out loud and closed my locker. A few people walked up to me. "Hey Lauren how was your night?" Ally asked me looking up I smiled slightly. "Um it was a night. Hey Mani." I said and looked at the little bit taller girl holding Ally's hand. "Hey Laur." She smiled. "How was your weekend?" I asked them and they smiled. "It was interesting." Normani said suggestively. "Please stop there. Thank you for talking about your weekend. Next topic have you seen the new teacher?" I asked them and closed my locker. "Yeah the one with the huge ass." Normani said and Ally hit her arm. "Ow." She said and Ally looked up at her. "She does. But yours is better." Mani said and slid her hand into Ally's back pocket. "I know." I smiled slightly. "Okay I got to go. Bye guys." I said and walked off. I walked to this new teacher class and sat down in the front directly facing the teacher.

She had on a red and black blouse but I couldn't see her face. "Your early. Class isn't for another 10 minutes." A voice said looking up slowly. When I saw her face my eyes widened. "I-i know. Your Mr-Mrs. C-Cabello?" I said and she smiled when she saw me. "Yes and you are?" She said her face saying she knew I was the one who completely sounded like a duche bag earlier. "L-Lauren Jauregui." I said and took a deep breath. "Sorry for earlier by the way. That was ment to be said in my head." I said and smiled a fake smiled. "So your the one who complemented my ass." She said and I looked up shocked at her language. "Shit sorry- fuck- I'll stop talking now." She said blushing. "Its okay. Some students would freak out other tell other teachers. Me I don't care. Just surprised teachers even cussed." I said and leaned back. "I just got out of college over the summer. I'm not exactly good at this.'' She said blushing a little making me was to embrace her for her cuteness. "So that makes you what? 24?" I asked her hopeing it wasn't any older. "Um no actually. I finished highs school a year early. I'm 22. Finished college early too." She said smiling. "So your really smart and you choose to teach a bunch of rude immature seniors?'' I asked her chuckling a little bit. "What are you implying Lauren?" She asked me rasing an eyebrow. "Nothing." I said my face heating up. "Very-" she was cut off by the bell ringing. Kids poured into the room yelling. They all took there seats and quited down when Mrs. Cabello stood up.

"Hello students. I am Mrs. Cabello. I will be your English teacher for the year. So let's start a little introduction. I am going to take attendance and when I call your name you will stand. You will answer 3 questions. Your favorite quote, what you like to do in your free time, and, because this is school, your favorite subject." She said and she class nodded in response. "I'll go first. My favorite quote is by a man named Plato. Evert heart sings a song- can anyone complete the quote?" She asked and my hand shot up. "Okay Mrs. Jauregui." She said and smiled at me. "Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another hear whispers back. Those who wish to sing will always find a song. At the touch of a lover everyone becomes a poet." I said and she looked shocked. "Thank you. No one I know can ever complete it." She said softly. "Its my second favorite quote." I said and she smiled at me. "Okay. I like to read in my free time, I am a English teacher. My favorite subject is self explanatory, I'm an English teacher." She smiled and picked up her clip board. I heard some giggles from the back of the class. She stood up and looked over to class. "Okay-" she began and I zoned out.

Why does my heart flutter when she talks? Why do I find a teacher so intriguing? She has to be just my- I was drown from my though when Mrs. Cabello tapped my shoulder. "Would you like to join us Lauren?" She asked me and I nodded. I stood up and looked over the class. "Um my favorite quote it by Plato also. 'We can easily forgive a child for being afraid of the dark. But the true tradige is when men are afraid of the light.' Um in my free time I like to write I guess. My favorite subject is Music." I said and smiled lightly. "Very nice um Austin Mahone you are up." She said and he looked up from his hands. He stood up and waked to the front. "I did what Lauren did and googled a quote by Plato-" I stopped him. "I didn't goggle anything my phones in my locker." I said and glared at him. "Right. But um I got 'Love is a mental disease.' In my-" he was stopped by Mrs. Cabello. "Austin do you know what that quote means?" She asked. "Since you goggled it you must of found an explanation." She said and glared at him. "What do you think it means?" She asked him and I smirked. "Love is bad?" He said as a question. I scoffed at his response. "Do you know what that quote means?" Mrs. Cabello asked me. I nodded slowly. "Please share." She said and I smiled lightly. "What Plato meant by that quote was that love will make you do crazy things. He compared two things no one would think are the same, such as love and a mental disease. Love pushes people to go from flying to hurting anyone in there way to care for someone else. Where as a mental disease will cause you act like a different person and seem like someone else. Just like love dose to many people." I said confident in my answer.

I moved away from looking at Mrs. Cabello from when I answered her question and looked around the room. Everyone was shocked by my answer. I shrugged my shoulders and class was shortly over. I stayed seated and everyone left. I looked at Mrs. Cabellos desk and she was leaned over looking at something. I could see directly down her shirt. I gulped at the sight and I felt my mouth quickly go dry. "So you have Math with me too?" She asked sitting down. "Um y-yeah I d-do. And M-music." I said and she smiled. "Awesome." I nodded. "So your 22, smart, funny, extremely beautiful, and teach 3 different classes. Nice." I said. "Did you say beautiful?" She said turning around from the chalk board. "Yeah. Was it to much? I shouldn't of said that. That's twice I've said something like that. In 2 hours. I don't usually say stuff like that-" She stopped me. "Lauren please calm down. People just usually say something like your first comment. They don't call me beautiful. Mostly nice ass, your hot, or wanna fuck? Nothing like that." She said honestly. "Well I don't know why yeah you are extremely hot and- whoa yeah. But you have a quality about you that doesn't make you just hot. Your actually quite beautiful- and I am telling a teacher she is hot and beautiful and talking about her ass. Didn't know I would be doing that today. Ugh shut up Lauren!" I said and put my head on the desk. "There's a first for everything." She said and muttered something after that.

I kept my head down until class started. This is going to be a long day.

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