However, Patrick quickly rushed over to her and caught her in his arms. "Are you-" Patrick didn't have time to ask when the ground around and the tree itself started to sink down. Taking them with it. Patrick quickly tossed his crush over onto the real ground. Dipper and Soos then quickly rushed over and helped Patrick climb out of the emerging entrance before he fell down into it.

They stood around it as the tree and ground stopped descending. Then a spiral staircase to the middle of the tree appeared, and subsequently, a door inside the tree opened to reveal the way in.

"I think that's how we get in," Soos remarked, then Patrick walked in front of the others.

"Alright guys, this is it," he told everyone present, grabbing the lantern and pulling out his laser shotgun. "Now, remember, we have no idea what's waiting for us down in that hideout, so we need to be extremely cautious. Stick together and don't go wandering off. And lastly, whatever happens down there, we tell no one. Do you understand? We stay together, we'll survive."

Dipper gave a solid nod, Mabel gave a thumbs up, Soos turned hat backwards, and Wendy gave him her classic sign. Smirking, zipping her lips, and then throwing the invisible key away.

So, with any further deliberation on their plans needed, the group followed Patrick down the staircase. Going down into the depths of the earth for answers. Going past the door that opened on the tree, they entered into a bunker-like room that had a small, decrepit cot hanging against one wall, a cabinet in the fall back that had "weapons" labeled in it, and shelves stocked with rations and food. Each box had a year printed on them. All of it covered with dust and cobwebs, but it was nonetheless amazing to see it all in person.

"Okay, this is stupidly cool!" Wendy impressively remarked with a grin.

Patrick looked at a gas mask that was hanging on the wall and grabbed it. He noticed a metal poster to the left of it and saw it was a sign that said "FALLOUT SHELTER". "

"It's like a fallout shelter or something," Dipper said, as Patrick set the lantern down on a crate and they all started walking around the place. "It must've belonged to the author."

Wendy walked up to the metal sign and pried it off the wall. Grinning as she dusted it off. "This is going over my bed," she chirped, while at the same time, Mabel stuck her head inside of a barrel.

"Mabel, get your head out of there!" Patrick called over. When the young girl pulled her head back out, she was a bunch of caterpillars crawling all over her face.

"Haha! My face feels fuzzy!" She said,

Patrick shook his head and joined Soos over at the weapons locker. The handyman pulled open the doors and gasped. There everything from bladed weapons, a mace, grenades, an old pistol, a shotgun, and TNT. "Oh my gosh!" Soos reached in and pulled out the one thing that wasn't a weapon. It was candy. "A Smez dispenser! I remember these things. What's that, yes I will have some of your old-timey face food." He ate the candy from the dispenser, only to choke a bit over its staleness. "Ew, dusty!" He cringed, only to eat a second piece.

"Patrick, this is incredible!" Dipper exclaimed, getting Patrick's attention and he walked over to him. The boy then looked up at the shelf. The dates go all the way to 2070. "It's like he was preparing for a disaster. But what kinda disaster would need supplies for over sixty years?"

"You mean other than a nuclear holocaust?" Patrick asked rhetorically. He turned around and was about to look around some more when his foot stepped on something metallic and crushed it. Looking down, he reached and picked up a dripping can of beans. One of many that were discarded on the can. Examining it for a moment, he looked at the others. "This was definitely opened recently."

Weirder Things (Male OC X Wendy Corduroy)Where stories live. Discover now