Chapter 3: First date

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I looked at the mirror standing in my room. I wore a blush pink dress which I had bought for this day (If it ever happened) I ran my fingers through my tresses, I was nervous. I never went out with anyone. I hardly had any friends other than these three. I am going on a date with my childhood friend with whom I have had a crush on since I was 7!

I sighed, What would we talk about? What should I say? My heart was racing

I quickly grabbed my handbag and went downstairs

"Where are you going?" my mom asked me while I was putting on my shoes. Finley Had messaged me that he was waiting in his car which he had parked in front of Rileys house

"I am going out with Riley, mom, some last-minute shopping, don't wait for me I shall be late. You know her right" I told her when I was glancing at my reflection in the halls mirror. I had to lie and also informed Riley beforehand in case mom tried to call her or something

"I hope you aren't doing something to shame this family like your sister did," she said accusingly from the kitchen yelling loudly

"Mom" I shouted back "Can you keep it down" looking towards the ceiling and walking to the kitchen

"Eva will hear you," I told her standing in front of her

"Let her. putting our family to shame and now she is home leaving that dirty little husband of hers. She was in love with him right. Where is that love now? She fought with us and ran away to marry that boy and now see what happened?! And on top of it, your dear brother doesn't want to come home. I don't understand why? Why did we send him to the US to study in the first place? He said he isn't seeing any girl, then why doesn't he want to come back home or call us? What did I do to deserve this? He has completely stopped calling me and doesn't answer the phone. Your kids will be the reason for my untimely death! Your father, Your dear father had been good to me but you kids, you are the..."

"I am leaving and will see you in the morning at the engagement party. Take your medications; I put reminders on your phone. Tell dad I upgraded the internet connection so he can have the meetings on skype from now on at home." And I stormed out.

This is my routine. Ever since Eva came back home from her drowning marriage, mom would take the grudge out on me. I did not mind initially but it was becoming a horror. I didn't blame Eva either, Dad bought her home from the hospital when she called him one night. they did not tell me or mom what had happened. dad put her into therapy and then we knew something was really bad

I walked fast towards Riley's house. my brain was spinning with my mother's words and then I saw Finley's parked car and got in quickly and banged the door. I was angry, frustrated and very near tears. Finley just started the car and we drove away

It was a very long drive and both of us did not talk. I just put my head on the window and stared into nothingness. it started to drizzle lightly and I was tracing the raindrops on the window

Suddenly we stopped. I looked out and found that we were at the top of a hill. it was green everywhere with yellow flowers sprouting in between. I turned and looked at Finley. this was his spot. his mother gifted him in her will after she died. now, he comes here whenever he feels alone or misses her

I remember aunt melony used to bring us here for picnics during our summer holidays. although my mother never let me go with her. I used to make excuses and say I have tuitions or going to a friends place and sneak out with her and the rest

"You look beautiful" he said running his hand over my sullen face

I smiled and kisses his hand, with a jolt I sat up straight

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