Chapter Thirty-Nine: Snow-Filled Evening

Start from the beginning

Sasuke tried to read it with his visual prowess and Naruto stared in awe. Even though Sasuke could make a few characters, more of what's written was still hard to read. However, he could recognize some characters that looked familiar because he had seen it once before. But Sasuke doesn't want to even think about it.

"It seems we might have to ask someone's help with this," Sasuke said as he rolled the scroll.

"And that help? Whose help is it?"


"Eh?!" Naruto yelled.

Sasuke had seen those familiar characters in one of Orochimaru's hideout and Sasuke doesn't want to ponder about it. But he knew he has to. If they wanted to decipher the scroll's message, Orochimaru might be of help. But that also means Sasuke has to go there himself.

After the short meeting with Kakashi, Sasuke was on his way back to the apartment. He was deep in thought that he almost didn't notice Naruto trailing behind him. When Sasuke did notice him, he halted in his step.

"You really don't plan on going home?" Sasuke asked, eyes closed to calm his annoyance.

"Fine, I'm on my way home. Tell Sakura-chan tonight we'll all be having dinner at a barbecue house to celebrate the Holidays!" Naruto said before turning a corner waving his hand.


When Sasuke came back to the apartment, he heard the shower running. He proceeded to the kitchen and saw an empty plate a food on the table.

He was just finished eating when Sakura came walking inside the kitchen. After drinking a glass of water, she left without a word. Sasuke found it almost odd but did not dwell on it longer than necessary. He followed Sakura who was putting on her jacket and scarf.

"I'm going outside to meet Ino," Sakura said when she noticed Sasuke was staring at her.

"Hn," Sasuke just hummed and nodded his head.

"I'll be back later." And just like that, Sakura left without another word. Sasuke found her behavior really odd but shrugged it off and went on to take a shower.

When Sakura did not come back after a few hours, Sasuke decided to go look for her in the Village. He found her with Ino and Temari and they were having quite a conversation that promptly stops when they noticed Sasuke.

"See you later then," Ino said as she and Temari walked while waving.

It was this kind of silence that put the Uchiha on edge. It wasn't the comfortable silence he usually dwells himself with. He knew something was odd with how the pinkette have been behaving since this morning.

But instead of asking her anything about it, Sasuke remembered what Naruto told him earlier.

"Naruto told me tonight we'll all be having dinner at the barbecue house."

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