Author Notes (IMPORTANT)

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Hi yes hello it is mwah.

So. I gave asked you guys a question if you wanted an update and low and behold people responded back that they would like one. So here we are :D

I know, it's not a chapter but this "chapter" will be my authors notes segment for this book. Please refer to this chapter if you are wondering about the status for this book. Right now, I'm messing around with chapter 4 and rereading Killing Stalking since I forgot the plot and I really forgot how much of a damn mess Sangwoo and Yoonbum were. Like shit. Started feeling bad for bum, especially when he killed his uncle. Mind fuckery.

Anyway, yeah so the first update for this chapter isssss:

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Book Status: TBC (current hiatus)
Update Schedule: To Be Determined (TBD)
Chapter being worked on: 4

Until next time UwU ❤️

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           Due to my sheer laziness in scrolling up, I'm not sure if I told you guys this, but this book will not be updated until I finish my other popular ones. Going in order of popularity, I see the future of this book being the ones that get updated last.

           However, I have made changes to this system of mine. When I finish my more popular books, I will attempt to update two to three less popular books at the same time so that people don't have to wait for so many books to be finished before the one they like is updated :).

            Another note, you may or may have not noticed that I unpublished the current chapters I have out. You also may or may not have noticed that I updated the summary. If you haven't seen any of that, please go check it and come back as I have a little explanation for you.

            So, I finished reading killing stalking and when I started this book I never truly understood just how fucked up their relationship on BOTH sides. So as a quick notice to anyone who hasn't realized it yet, I also want people to understand that their "relationship" in question was not HEALTHY. AT ALL.

           The owner of KS even said that she hopes people don't view her work as a yaoi fantasy, but rather (I'm paraphrasing here) a possible situation that could actually happen to anyone.

          She basically didn't want this ship to be romanticized by anyone.

           I'm talking to all you boys, girls, neither sand in betweens, who think it's super hot to have a controlling/possessive partner. It's all fun and games until that mf tryna slam ya neck into the edge of a table 👀.

           I say all this to say, that my story will have aspects of that fucked up relationship, but not the aspects that are complete dealbreakers in a relationship (not for everyone at least). This story will be them dealing with both of their shit and overcoming it together, your typical romantic story with tragedy and angst. I'm telling you this outright so NO ONE gets the wrong idea for what's planned for this story.

ANOTHER NOTE (ik lmao so much reading), I am sporadically outlining the story so please note that I am not just going to disappear and forget about this book.

Until next time ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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