"You'll be okay, You're gonna have at least one of us in a class." He laughed, and you lifted your head off of his shoulders before glaring at him.

"I know, I just don't want to go to Hell." You grumbled before sitting on his bed. He playfully rolled his eyes before tousling his hair, shaking his red curls around. He picked up his hat before placing his hat on his head, making sure it wasn't lopsided. He looked at you and caught you staring. He raised his eyebrows.

"What?" He asked you.

You grinned.

"You're letting me play with your hair after school." You grinned before standing up.  He just shook his head, a smile on his face.

"Sure Dork, now let's get going." Kyle told you, and you both walked out of his room and out of his house.  You were walking down the sidewalk, and you were lost in thought.

'What if the other people are mean? What if I make a Joke that hurts someone's feelings. Gah!' You thought to yourself. As you were in thought, Kyle looked over at you with concern, you didn't seem like yourself.

"Hey, are you okay?" Kyle asked you, and you looked over at him.

"Yeah, dude. It's just I really don't like going to School." You told him, and he nodded. He wasn't Truly convinced, but he wasn't gonna ask you again.

You all walked up to the bus stop to see the guys waiting for you, save for Tweek, Clyde and Token. You walked up and wrapped your arms around Butters.

"Buttersss, I missed you!" You Fake cried, clinging onto the said boy. He giggled before hugging you back.

"I sure missed you too, (Y/n)! I'm sorry I got myself grounded." He told you, patting your back.

You just nodded before looking back up, as you heard the bus pull up. You all piled in and You decided to sit by Butters. It seemed that you guys were the last stop because before long you were all pulling in to the school.  Stan had decided to show you were the office was. After getting paperwork it was finally time to get to classes. After showing Stan your paperwork, he sighed in relief and told you that you had most classes with him, Craig and Kyle, and the 2 that you didn't have with them you had with Token, Cartman and Kenny. You were a little said that you didn't have a class with Tweek, Butters or Clyde, but you had to live with it. You all walked into your first class.


Ah, Chemistry. The bane of your existence. You had this class with Kyle and Stan you all sat together towards the back. Students began to pile in and you noticed Stan stiffen as a Certain raven haired girl walked in and sat towards the front. You leaned towards Kyle and whispered something to him.

"Is that Wendy?" You asked him quietly, nodding your head at the girl who was laughing with her friends. He nodded and whispered back.

"Yeah, they've been on and off since fourth grade, and this is the longest they haven't been together." Kyle informed you and you nodded, before looking back at Stan. You put a hand on his shoulder. He looked over at you and you grinned.

"You wanna Hang out with me and Kyle after school? We can get Taco Bell." You grinned and he smiled at you.

"Of Course." He said, and you were happy you could cheer him up.

"Alright Fuckers, so when does this class get started?" You asked them, and they looked at you.

"Honestly? We don't really do anything at school. They give us some work but then just leave us alone. Half the time the teachers don't show up." Kyle told you, and somehow you expected that.

The Tales of South Park Debauchery ( South park x reader) Where stories live. Discover now