He thinks about you

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Warnings: Mentions of death and cussing

Midoriya Izuku:

I stood in front of the mirror in the locker rooms. I was admiring my new and improved hero costume. I looked down at the gloves that were adorning my hands. 'That one support boy made these, they're supposed to be fire resistant and they even can cool down if I accidentally hurt my hands again...' I admired the well-made gloves, the boy definitely did a great job.

Throughout the whole class Midoriya was distracted, by what you may ask? The adorable face of the support course boy, (Y/N)(L/N). Midoriya blushed bright red,

'Do I think he's adorable??' 

Todoroki Shouto:

Todoroki smiled at the last texting conversation you both had. You and him had been texting a lot since you met last week, and he quickly realized that your text messages made him genuinely happy. Thoughts of you plagued his mind almost all day during class. (Which made Midoriya really worried.) His heterochromia eyes widened.

'I think I like him...'

Bakugou Katsuki:

Bakugou glared at a familiar general studies boy who was going up against Mina in the sports festival. He remembered the time you insulted his hair very clearly, which was strange to him considering he could usually brush these things off, but you were stuck on his mind. Your dumb smile, your (E/C) eyes, your angelic laugh- 'WHAT THE FUCK!?!?' Bakugou growled to himself, why can't he get this idiot off his mind?? He looked back to the arena to see you passed out out of the out-of-bounds line.

'Is that bastard okay?'

Kirishima Eijiro:

Kirishima watched as you laughed and joked with your new friends. Kirishima loved how your smile could light up a whole room without even trying, but he was slightly jealous on how everyone else was able to make you smile and not him. 'Wait What?! No I don't think of him that way!! We're just bros right?!' Kirishima looked over at you once again, thins time you noticed him and gave him a closed-eye smile.


Denki Kaminari:

Kaminari sat all alone in his dorm room, all of his friends from the Bakusquad were busy so they couldn't hang, and you were too far away. He groaned, flopping down onto his bed. He closed his eyes and your happy face appeared behind his close eyelids. Butterflies fluttered around in his stomach and his eyes shot open, why did you make him feel this way? He is straight right?! Kaminari almost fell out of his bed in shock.

'Oh my god I'm not straight.'

Tenya Iida:

Iida was at a grocery shop when he passed by the candy isle, normally he wouldn't give it a second thought, but this time in the corner of his eye he saw your favorite flavor of gum on one of the shelves. He quickly swiped it off the shelf and tossed it into the cart. Usually he doesn't like how much sweets you eat because its bad for your health, but he couldn't pass up the opportunity to see your face light up when you see that he bought your favorite gum. He blushed a little at just the though.

'Just what is this boy doing to me?'

Hitoshi Shinso:

Hitoshi smiled at the text message from you, he was getting afraid that you weren't gonna contact him at all, so this simple "hello" made his heart do flips. He knew the second he saw you he wanted to get to know you better, due to the fact that you worked at a cat cafe and you were VERY attractive. The thought of you possibly thinking the same way of him made a rare smile become present on his lips.

'When should I ask him out?'

Tamaki Amajiki:

Tamaki slammed his head against the wall. For some reason your kindness would not get itself out of his head and it was making him very anxious. He tried doing things to get his mind off of you but somehow you were stuck in his mind like velcro. He groaned, forehead still connected to the wall. He knows what this feeling was, but he was too afraid to admit it to himself. You were just too kind and patient to him.

'I l-like this boy...'

Aizawa Shota:

Aizawa watched as his students worked on their homework in the dorm common area together, he couldn't tell what it was that they were working on but they could tell they were struggling with it. Kaminari let out an exaggerated groan, "Why does (L/N)-Sensei give us such hard work?!" Aizawa smirked, he knew the reason you were going harder on your students was because you realized you were too easy on them, they are future heroes they shouldn't need to be babied. 

Aizawa spoke up from his spot in the shadows "Because he wants you to succeed." All of the students jumped at his random response to Denki's rhetorical question. They nodded in his direction and continued working on the science homework. Aizawa had to admit that he was proud of the attractive pro hero for pushing his students in their studies. 

'I need to ask him out sometime.'


Dabi watched from the shadows as you shot a guy in the back in a dingy alleyway. He smirked, he knew that you were attractive but he didn't know you were gonna be THIS sexy, he was just glad you tried to kill him that one night or he would never had been able to meet you (and check you out as you left.) He made an agreement to himself as you disappeared into the night that he would approach you next time he sees your hot ass.

'Im going to make this boy mine.'

A/N: Im not that proud of this one, I'm afraid they all kinda sound that same?? Idk. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this and don't be afraid to put in requests. The next one will be "He asks you out/You ask him out." Thank you to everyone reading this story! Bye y'all!

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