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I woke up to the feeling of Jimmy tracing his fingertips over my bare shoulder and kissing the top of my head. We were still in the exact same position we were in last night, with my head on his chest and our legs tangled together.

I sighed happily at the affection and buried my head deeper in his chest.

"Good morning," Jimmy smiled in his morning voice, kissing me again.

"Good morning," I smiled.

"Go back to sleep, it's still early," Jimmy smiled, "I thought I heard something, and it woke me up."

"Didn't you lock the door?" I asked.

"I did," Jimmy smiled, "so we have all the privacy we could ask for."

"So, we could do anything we wanted to," I smirked looking up at Jimmy.

"We could," Jimmy smirked before he kissed me.

I never thought of myself as that girl. The girl who gets a boyfriend and suddenly can't keep her hands off of him. I'm worse than Hannah was with Andrew, but I crave physical contact from him when I don't have it. It's like a drug.

Jimmy was hovering over me, kissing me deeply with his hands moving down my waist. My hands were gripping his back. I wanted more, but any kind of contact was like a fix for me.

I cuddled back into Jimmy's side and he kissed the top of my head. I love him, and I want to tell him. It felt strange to just blurt it out, so maybe I need to think of a conversation to start where I can say it naturally. With my mind running a million miles a minute, I was struggling to find a way to start a conversation to have to be able to tell him I love him. My chances were ruined as Jimmy climbed out of bed.

"No," I whined, "stay with me."

"I'm going downstairs to make us breakfast, stay here and I'll bring it up to you," Jimmy kissed me sweetly.

"What did I do to deserve you," I smiled as Jimmy pulled on some sweatpants to go downstairs.

As Jimmy left his room, I realized that was my opportunity to tell him I love him. I facepalmed and laid back in bed.

Almost an hour later, Jimmy brought me a plate of food for breakfast. We sat together at the head of his bed eating. So domestic, but I appreciate the gesture more than anything. If I didn't already love him, I would now.

"Do you have plans for today?" Jimmy asked as he put both of our plates on his nightstand.

"I'm picking Hannah up at the airport tonight," I explained, "but besides that I don't."

"Well, would you like to move into your new apartment?" Jimmy asked, "I can recruit the guys to help."

"I still have to pack, but I will pack as much as I can today so I can move in soon," I smiled.

"I'd like for you to be able to move in before you go back to school," Jimmy brushed some of my hair behind my ear, "that way you don't have to worry about being kept up at night or having to sneak in your window."

"I will pack tonight, and I'll get moved in before I go back to school," I smiled.

"Thank you," Jimmy whispered before he kissed me, "I loved that video you posted on Christmas."

"Thank you," I smiled, "I used to play with Chandler and Zach a lot."

I spent Christmas alone at home, not that Jimmy knows that, but my mom and brother were both nowhere to be found so I spent it alone in my room. On Christmas Eve, I was with the Hallows. Zach recorded a video with me, he played guitar and sang My Song for You with me. I never really liked Christmas, but the Hallows never let me spend a Christmas Eve anywhere but with them.

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