love can be misunderstanding

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The repentance of misunderstanding

It was a bizzare murder case maybe the weirdest I had ever solved even though I am at the top of my game, coming across such motives was a common phenomenon but somehow in this case the misunderstanding between two individuals was so hard that it was difficult to fathom whether the reason was right or wrong.let me narrate it to you people properly.Frank Sebastian was a top notch musician who had his own duo with Richardson Stone. He was a singer and his songs were heard by almost every single teenager in the country. So about a week back all those teenagers were drowned in grief when he was mysteriously found murdered in his own studio late at night.The murderer was clearly an inside person as he/she knew the spots where the cameras were placed and had smartly shut them down before killing Frank.Frank had two managers Kylie Horton and Rose Derson. Both were good at their jobs before Frank had Rose fired for a reason nobody not even Richardson knew. Until recently Frank was killed. Anyway onto the good stuff. So what we found was that the victim was killed while still singing but there was no sign of murder. Like there was no sign of struggle or even wounds anywhere on his body. His body was found early in the morning when the staff came to work. The only thing was his body lying down with blood flowing out of his mouth. So basically he was poisoned. But how? Basic answers would be that since the cameras were down, the murderer poisoned the victim in that time slot but what if no fingerprints were found on the victim? What if the victim did not have contact with any of the staff members that evening? Thats where it got interesting. The murderer had shut down the cameras but that was just to defy us. She had poisoned Frank with a particular poison that took its toll in three days. And those three days were the key to the murderer's motive. And the muderer was a she and it was none other than Kylie Horton herself! But why not Rose Derson? First let me explain how the murderer poisoned the victim. The murderer and the victim met four  days before the murder on that day there was heated argument between them which ended rather rudely for the murderer. The next day the victim apparently goes to meet the murderer and in the process poisons him in his coffee. How do we know all this? It is from a letter we found on the murderer after she commited suicide. The letter read," It is so sad for a person to know that that she is so close to the person she wants to be with but yet she is so far, I have confessed my love for you but you rejected me in the most hideous way possible which had scarred my heart for eternity. I changed my complete personality for you but after that you started calling me an ugly bitch ! Im sorry but I couldn't keep my anger and had you cut off from this world. Because later when I learnt the truth from Rose I was heartbroken beyond imagination I came to know I was too selfish and was a mean pig. So now I drink the same elixir and detach myself from this deranged world and come to you in a more perfect world where I can spend the eternity in your arms". This letter was found three days after the murder when we searched Kylie's house.The next day Rose was interrogated and we came to know a quality misunderstanding between two lovers.What happened was Kylie was in love with Frank but she was ugly compared to Rose. Therefore, Kylie got a plastic surgery done so that she'd look much more appealing then after some days she went and asked Frank out but Frank turned her down and gradually became very rude with her. That was when after three to four days he was murdered during that time coincidentally Rose also had fallen for Frank and had asked him out but he turned her down when asked why he said and I quote, "Im waiting for the girl of my dreams who has gone away suddenly and ill await her return". He said this because he too loved Kylie for who she was and didn't like it when she pretended to be someone else to gain attention, he loved her for who she was.I thus conduct this narration saying,"love can be misleading it can be anonymous and a pain where it can trap two innnocent souls in its painful vortex tearing them of feeling ,drainig blood from their hearts and negating their rational thinking until they die painfully by suffering, and maybe they are reunited in death".

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