Part 2

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This exert is taken from Rogue Shadow: Chapter 14A – Kali Sinawali Langit Anim, (not published yet in the story). Essentially, this is Tash's first training scene. It focuses on a drill from Philipino Martial Arts commonly known as Heaven Six. This is a training scene, not a fight/action scene. 

Please note that the scene cuts in and out because it has been taken from an unfinished and unpublished chapter. 

"I'm training you to be able to look after yourself. I'm not going to teach you useless math of history facts. I'm going to teach you things you can use; things that will help you stay alive. Hacking, coding, which chemicals can be mixed together to create on-the-spot bombs. Weapons, survival techniques, tactical planning. You have a guild of assassins after you – you need to be prepared."

"You're gonna teach me how to fight assassins?" the excitement in her voice was back. That was good. At least, Slade though thankfully, that Natasha did not seem frightened at the prospect of learning how to fight, but rather excited. Unfortunately, fighting for your life wasn't exactly fun and games.

"Kid, I'm going to show you how not to die out there. If you're out there, alone, my training will keep you alive." Slade had watched Natasha's face through the exchange, studying the change in tone as the conversation went on. She looked glad when she heard that she wasn't moving around anymore, but worried and confused as well.

Slade figured that he would just have to take it slow, work her into her new life. Show her that she could still have a life. Also learning was a much better use of her time than reading books all day. It could be months, years even, before either her family was found or for it to be safe enough for Tash to live outside of his bunker. Hydra had to be buried so deep beneath the ground that not even their memory could escape before Tash would be safe out there on her own.

Once the table had been cleared, Nat went to turn away, but Wilson called out to her. "Wait up kid," he said, "I want to teach you something." Natasha followed behind the man, curiosity swamping her mind. He had explained that he would be training and teaching her every day, but Nat somehow hadn't processed that that entailed them to be in the same room for hours on end.

"You're not gonna become a ninja overnight, but training has to start somewhere. We'll start properly tomorrow, but I want to see how you learn." Wilson lead Natasha down the stairs and into the training room. He grabbed some things off the sidewall and as he got closer, Nat saw that they were sticks.

"Bo-staffs?" she asked.

"Kali. But very close. Bo-staffs are mainly used in Aikido, Bojutsu, Kung Fu and Ninjutsu. Filipino martial arts: Arnis, Eskrima, and Kali are all similar forms of FMA – they are essentially the same and the terms are often used interchangeably as a result. However, stances, names and forms do vary withing the three forms. They focus on sticks, knives, blades, open hand, and improvised weapons for defence and close quarter combat. Kali-Silat focuses specifically on eskrima sticks defence and attack. Traditionally the eskrima sticks are made from bamboo and are either sixty-one or seventy-one centimetres. These are made from rattan; they are solid and more durable. This is a foundation drill in Kali which teaches you coordination, adaptation and works on reflex and muscle memory."

"You're going to be teaching me martial arts?"

"I don't know how you've been trained in the past. But I am going to train you from the ground up. I'm going to do some things with you tomorrow which will tell me which styles you know. And yes. Learning martial arts is more efficient than just learning how to hit someone. You can adapt it and make it your own, but you will have a foundation to work from. It's the difference between learning a Karter and mastering the art."

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