chapter 15

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After Izuku's speech all participants were in position to start the first event when the starting gun was fired everyone was rushing the tunnel when Todoroki covered the floor with Ice many couldn't walk due to how slippery it was. The ice path had become water as Izuku Siphoned the life force from the ice upon doing so it turned to water with what energy Izuku absorbed he was able to get close to the pack leaders which were Todoroki and Bakugou. They were stopped in their tracks however by a giant amount of robots. Todoroki froze them all with some falling over due to how they were positioned. As they were running, Izuku got an idea with the pieces of the zero pointer to grab a fragment before heading out.

The next area was a pitfall area with it being relatively easy for most. Thanks to some training he did with Ryukyu in ways of keeping balance with his body having excess or lack of life energy, Izuku was able to pass it rather quickly. Finally, the group came to the final obstacle, a minefield. Some people were already ahead of Izuku with him realizing he’s not going to win by just running over. Using his head, he started to shovel out the mines that were in the front to put them in a pile delicately. When he thought he had enough, he used the plating from the zero pointer as a bobsled and skyrocketed to the front. He was able to pass both Todoroki and Bakugou who were leading the pack, but knew this would change when he landed.

To try to keep the lead, Izuku twirled around and slammed the frame on the ground to activate a few mines to send both of them back. The result gave Izuku a little more forward momentum to clear the last of the minefield and make it back first. Standing in the center, Izuku smiled with everyone cheering. He went to the side for the others to come with Iida and Ochako coming over after they cleared to congratulate him. Izuku was happy he won with the last person finally passing the finish line that was needed to start the next event. Midnight began to spin the wheel for it to stop on a title, cavalry battle. She explained that every person will be given a point value with last place being worth five and each place after having an additional five from the first person who crossed the finish line after them. First however was to receive 10 million points to make Izuku a target along with anyone that stuck with him.

Everyone was given 10 minutes to make a team with Izuku scrambling to find people. It seemed kinda hopeless until Ochako came to him. “Hey Izuku, let's be a team!” “You sure about that Ochako? Everyone will be after us if you join me.” “It’s fine. Besides, I’d rather be on your team.” Her smile sent a heart throb for Izuku with him making a kinda ugly face.

“So your Mr. 10 million huh? Let’s pair up!” A girl with pink hair and steampunk glasses came over to scare Izuku. “You’re that guy with the weird quirk that can suck energy out of anything, right!? How did my babies handle well in training!?” Izuku and Ochako were confused as she began to explain. “You see, I was able to add on a few items and help rebuild your suits basic design a bit thanks to Mr. Powerloader giving me permission. So how did my Life Chain and Buster Sword handle for you!?”

Izuku now realized what she was talking about to answer with some happiness. “They worked amazingly. Thank you for adding them.” He smiled at her while she began explaining other ideas she had along with items she brought. As this happened, Ochako started to get a little jealous of the pink gearheads clinginess to hers and Nejire’s boyfriend.

With Nejire

“What does that hussy think she’s doing with mine and Ochako’s Izu!?” Nejire started to get a tad bit jealous with her friends and teacher laughing a bit. “Didn’t put you as the jealous type Nejire?” “I wouldn’t be so jealous if that woman wasn’t putting her hands all over my boyfriend. AH! She better not try to steal him from us!” “Izuku isn’t like that Nejire. He respects you and Uraraka too much to let it happen.” Tamaki mentioned this with Mirio agreeing. “I know, it just doesn’t feel right though.”

Back on the field

Many who were able to move on to round two began to scramble making teams before time expired. So far Izuku attempted to recruit Iida who then refused his offer due to wanting to compete properly "Izu what are we going to do we need one more person?" Izuku went full strategist mode thinking of the best candidate when it hit him he knew exactly who to ask. "Please join my team." It was  Tokoyami Fumikage who was asked to join Izuku when the team had come together. The second event was about to begin as the horn was blown and all teams were charging at team Midoriya.

Thanks to Hatsume's babies they were able to avoid losing their points. Time felt as if it was going slow. Izuku noticed that Tokoyami, Ochako and Hatsume looked to be out of steam so he placed one hand on him transferring energy to them so they could stay strong. The halfway mark came with Izuku and his team now faced with Todoroki and his team. Izuku kept to the left side of Todoroki so his ice wouldn’t hit them. Things went well until Iida came up with an idea for a special move. Without any reaction, they ran towards Izuku while grabbing the headband.

Things seemed to work well for Todoroki’s team before Kaminari started kneeling down as if he was about to collapse. “Now!” Izuku’s group charged at Todoroki’s team and grabbed the two other headbands that were before the first. Izuku believed he must have swapped the order at some point, but knew he’d get the 10 million with it. In the heat of the moment, Todoroki started using his left side's fire for Izuku to absorb some of his energy. “I’m not letting you get the upper hand on me again.” Izuku’s team pulled him away with the countdown ending. Izuku’s group lead the pact with the 10 million, followed by Bakugou’s, a gen ed student Shinso’s, and Todoroki’s team.

(New chapter please enjoy til next time peace ✌)

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