Chapter 2

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I walked down the stairs quietly until I heard Louis's voice.

"Terry, if you want to get to the mall, hurry up!"

" Okay, I am here. Calm down." I know very well how to make him nervous, and I succeeded. I love it. They were ready in front of the front door. My brother snorted and walked to his car. Mom looked at me angrily and followed him. They would have to wait a little longer because I had not even put on my shoes.

When Louis's black Jeep stopped in front of the mall, my mom pulled me after her. I looked to my brother for help, but he just smiled with his annoying smile as if he was telling me "Good luck, dear little sister."

We went into the first store that my mom saw. There were many beautiful clothes, but they were too short. I have always liked such a model of clothes, but I would never wear such a thing. I saw my mother look at them. She took one blouse and put it in my hands."You have to buy some of these, dear. Such clothes will come to you. And you going to university."

"Yes, Mom, all I have to do is to buy one of these short skirts, get my pompoms, and I'm ready for the football game."

"Maybe. Look how beautiful these are too!" God, this woman is crazy.

"No! I'm going to university, not a pool party."I hissed.

" All right!" my mother moaned, but I saw her put them under the other things in the cart. After leaving the mall, Louis waited outside for us in the parking. He put the bags in the trunk, and we left. It just wasn't fair he does what he wants all day and I should try all these clothes, but when I think about our family, nothing is fair.

"Dear, are you know how beautiful things we bought for your sister. If she changes her clothes, you won't know her," said Mom.

"I highly doubt it. Even with the most beautiful clothes, Trayana is Trayana." he tried to offend me. I just opened my mouth to answer him with something he would not understand, but my mother overtook me.

"Don't start again, please."

" OK!" we both said at the same time. When we got home, I started to prepare my luggage because I was leaving tomorrow. While I was listening to songs from 1D and preparing my luggage, Louis came to my room.


"Hey!" I replied."Are you exciting? For tomorrow."

"I'm a little scared, but yes."

" What are you afraid of?" he sat on the bed beside me.

"I don't know. From the university, I don't know how all this will happen. I may not go to lectures but, only do my homework, also the people and the dorms. I'm more disgusted with the dorms. But I don't want to be alone and live in a hostel." finally, my voice broke, and I felt tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Hey, little one, don't do it again! " My brother put his arm around me and started stroking my shoulder.

"What to do? I'm afraid of a new place with new people. And after two days, I have an interview for an internship at the largest programming company. And I worry about it." I cried again.

" Everything will be fine. You know I'll move near the campus too, right? And, if mom and dad agree, you can come to the apartment above mine. There are three in one building." he tried to reassure me.

"Wait, why don't I know about this, and can I live with you?" My brother will move, and I don't know.

" Yes, I don't know and of course. You are my only sister, but we will quarrel if you mutter constantly," said Louis with a slight smile. I laughed.


" You're welcome! and I almost forgot," said Louis, straightening up. "I talked to Niall. He said he could be home soon."

"Really?" I jumped.

"Yes ... Go to bed now. Good Night!" were his last words before he left. And I went to bed.

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