instagram mep chat(idk why im doing this but who cares!?)

46 1 6

A member: im Australian so its holidays for us
Admin: Im Australian too
A member: I am so Australian I eat Tim tams with Vegemite 😂

My Mind while reading this chat: dawg......HOW MANY AUSTRALIANS IN THE CHAT DAWG?!?!?!?!

*yeah i just join a MEP and the admin just made a group chat on instagram and i feel like im the only person who is a filipino in that chat cause they were from a different countries *

Me talking at the chat: im almost already having a vacation since the lockdown
A member:well, there's still online class
Me:NOPE no online classes for me:)
Another member: Nice....

*i kinda feel bad for the members that has online classes <:D*

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