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• rebound •


zach softly knocked on daniel's door, waiting for a reply.

"daniel it's me can i come in?" he asked through the door.

daniel mumbled something that zach couldn't make out, but he entered the room anyway.

"will you please come out with us tonight?" he asked, sitting on the bed.

daniel shook his head, "not in the mood."

"it's been a month. you can get drunk, have a one night stand, or don't even drink at all it's your choice but please just come with us. you have to get out and do something."

"i don't want to hook up with anyone that's not nova." he stared at his wall, avoiding eye contact.

"i think you need to, but if you don't want to then don't. just come sit at the bar, one of us will even be with you at all times if you want." zach pleads.

daniel kept saying no but after a few minutes of convincing he gave in, mostly just because it got zach to leave.

"we're leaving in an hour." zach told him as he walked out of the room, leaving daniel to get ready.

he doesn't do much, just changes his outfit and sprays some cologne.

he sighed looking at his reflection, the dark under eye circles prominent and everything was just off. he barely recognized himself.


the 5 guys entered the club after waiting in line, immediately heading to the bar. daniel decided against not drinking and wanted to get drunk.

they ordered a few rounds and sooner than later all of them were drunk.

zach, jack, jonah, and corbyn were dancing while daniel was sitting at the bar, sipping his drink.

"hey, handsome." a girl said, taking a seat on the stool next to him.

he could barely make out her facial features with the little light, but from what he saw he could tell she was pretty.

"hi." he drunkenly smiled back, forgetting about everything he said he wasn't going to do. "can i buy you a drink?"

"please." she responds and he gestures for her to order what she wants.

"are you alone?" she asked and he shook his head.

"no, my 4 friends are dancing somewhere." he explained, receiving a nod in response.

"are you single?" he asked, moving his face slightly closer to hers.

"mhm." she replied, taking a sip of her drink.

"good to know. i'm daniel." he said, a small smirk playing on his face as he checks the girl out.



*the next morning*

nova scrolled through netflix, sprawled across her couch when her phone started buzzing. it was 9 am, she had just woken up and she felt lazy so decided to binge watch tv all day.

she groaned, pressing the green button.

"hey anna, what's up?" she said into the phone.

"nova hi, my parents pressured me into asking you this i'm sorry. you can totally say no." anna rambled.

"okay?" nova trailed off, waiting for the question to be asked. it made her nervous.

"we are throwing a birthday party for daniel, it's gonna be a surprise. and my mom and dad don't know about the breakup, i didn't know if it was my place to tell them. i can make up an excuse if you're not comfortable but i thought i'd ask, do you want to help us plan it? since you know him pretty well and everything." she explained.

nova thought for while, it can't hurt to see his family? she truly did miss them.

"do i have to go to the party? i would love to help plan it but i don't know if i'm ready to actually see daniel." she responded.

"of course not, you can just help plan it. but i'd tell my parents about the breakup while you're here, just so they don't think you're ditching for a bad reason."

"i don't know.. i want them to know, but i don't want to say anything without daniel knowing."

"i can talk to daniel. are you in?" she asked.

"um... yeah why not." nova agreed.

"okay great, i'm excited. just come over as soon as possible."

"okay, sounds good." she hung up the phone, getting up to get ready.

"so much for a lazy day." she mumbled to herself.


daniel woke up in his bed, with an unfamiliar girl next to him. he shot up quickly, seeing their clothes scattered around his room.

"fuck." he said to himself. he rubs his temple and hears the girl shuffling.

"you have to go." he spoke once he notices she's awake.

"good morning to you too." she mumbled, getting up and retrieving her clothes.

she leaves without another word, obviously getting the hint that he didn't want her there.

daniel goes to the bathroom, taking pain killers.

"who was that?" jack asks, leaning in the doorway.

"i don't know." daniel sighed.

"you okay?" he asked, knowing how unlike daniel this is.

"no." he answered honestly, tired of shutting everyone out.

"you will be." he assured.

"i don't know man. i can't stop thinking about her, i've never missed someone this much in my life and i'm not gonna get her back." daniel replied, turning around and leaning against the sink with his arms crossed over his chest.

"and it's my fault, she gave me multiple chances and i just threw them away. i treated her like shit." he looked down at his feet.

"she loves you bro. you still have time."

"she already told my sister we broke up." he said and jack doesn't say anything, not knowing what to.

"hang in there man." he finally said, patting daniel's back before walking back to his own room.

breaking up // - a daniel seavey fanfiction -Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ