Mixed Up Rivals

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   As Yui Kimura worked on the last generator by her lonesome she wondered where her only remaining teammate had gone, more than anything she wished she had some assistance. However, Yui didn't care much for Feng Min; To her she seemed selfish and distant, where Yui liked to view herself as outgoing and empowering of others.
   The most recent procedural, for example, Feng would not have been in any danger to finish healing Yui so they could both have made it through the exit gates. Instead Feng refused to take a single protection hit to save anyone's life but her own.
   Yui shook the thought away, this realm didn't need anymore negative energy. When the generator was nearly 75% repaired, Feng creeped over to help.
   "Where have you been?" Yui whispered.
   Feng Min smiled and started her part of the repair. "Just trolling the spirit, that's all,"
   Yui rolled her eyes "You couldn't have been helping me instead? We could both be out of here by now,"
   "Yeah yeah, it's fine," the generator made a clicking noise to indicate it was working properly. "Hey, if you open the gate just go, I'm taking the hatch," Feng added before dashing off. Yui sighed and cautiously sneaked to open the exit gate. She felt irritated and annoyed at Feng's lack of motivation to get out of this strange and tiresome place. To Feng Min it was just another game and she was a solo team.
   Yui had decided she had had enough of her fellow survivor's antics. When she returned to the campfire she confronted her fellow teammate. Feng Min was alone throwing rocks at seemingly nothing so Yui picked up a rock and threw it too.
   Feng turned her head and smiled at her. "Want to see who can throw it farther?"
   Though competition streamed through Yui's blood, that wasn't why she was there. She shook her head. "I'll take a rain check on that, I'm actually here to talk to you about something that's been bothering me,"
   Feng wiped the dirt off her hands. "Sure, what's up?"
   "Well," Yui didn't come prepared with what she was going to say exactly, she knew what she wanted to say just not how to articulate it. "The procedural before last, I was downed and you had an Anti-Haemorrhagic Syringe and could have instantly healed me, why didn't you?"
   Feng shrugged like it was obvious. "The exit gates were open,"
   "But we could have both escaped," Yui persisted. "I died,"
   Feng laughed as if Yui's statement was totally ridiculous. "We're both going to die infinite times, we just return to the campfire whether we escape or not,"
   Yui balled her fist and gritted her teeth. "Maybe we have to escape a consecutive number of times and we get to go home. We should still try to escape. And what about the last procedural? You didn't even help me with the gens,"
   Now Feng was raising her voice, just slightly but still above Yui's. "Look, there's nothing wrong with the way I play the game,"
   "It's not a game!"
   "It is a game. An endless game. Get over yourself, there's no hope of it ending," Feng crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, like a high school mean girl in a dumb chick-flick.
   "No! That's what the entity wants. It wants no hope. We can get through this together. We women are stronger together," Yui was more desperate now than angry. She wanted Feng to see that there had to be more to this. There had to be.
   Feng looked at her teal nails, bored "Look sister, this isn't the same world. We have to play alone. Just because we're both Asian doesn't make us besties,"
   A new fire was lit under Yui's feet. Everything just spoken was offensive. Feng really didn't get it. Yui did something she thought she'd never do to another girl, she shoved Feng to the ground, then crouched in front of her. "Look, give up on your life but don't sabotage mine,"
   Yui stood up and turned to walk away. Feng stood up and called from behind her "Did you ever think maybe I don't want to get out of here?" She spat.
   Yui was taken aback. She whipped around. Brows an uncomfortable mix of rage and confusion "What?!"
   Feng glanced away for a second than got really close to Yui's face, smirking. "Maybe, I want to be here, maybe I want you to be here," she stepped back then walked off leaving Yui feeling conflicted.

   The next procedural was the same familiar ending, just Yui and Feng. Once again Yui felt a sorrow overcome her as she was getting downed, it was the third time. She wiggled but she knew nothing would happen. The exit gate was open and close enough to taste, but Yui would die in Coldwind Farm once again.
   There was a bright light and Yui closed her eyes as the killer dropped her. Yui began to sprint toward the exit gate, with Feng right beside her. Together the girls waited for trapper to catch up to them at the exit gate so they could briefly gloat before leaving.
   When they did finally escape, Yui sat down next to Feng at the campfire. "Thanks," she muttered softly, unsure of what else to say.
   Feng flashed a familiar grin. "Well, I thought about what you said and it didn't affect me at all,"
   Yui rolled her dark eyes so Feng continued.
   Feng gazed at the ground and sighed "I decided if I wanted you to like me too, I had to play by your rules and stop being selfish,"
   Yui raised her eyebrows in surprise. "What makes you think I don't like you,"
   Now Feng rolled her eyes. "No. I mean like me,"
   "Oh," Yui blushed. Now she too stared at the ground.
   Feng stood up and turned to the side. "Just forget it,"
   But then Yui stood up and put a hand on her small shoulder, Feng turned around embarrassed and shocked.
   Yui smiled. "It was really sweet what you did for me," she moved her hand off Feng's shoulder and gently held her small, cold hand.
   Feng looked away embarrassed, hoping she wasn't blushing even though she knew she was. She could feel Yui still smiling at her. Then Feng smirked "Well, we women are better together right?" She teased.
  "Right," Yui smiled and kissed Feng's soft, pale cheek leaving Feng surprised it was all so simple after all and Yui surprised how much she actually had grown to like (or at least tolerate) Feng Min.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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