Perfect Timing

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It's Finn and Rachel's wedding day and he finds himself remembering that in a day filled with mishaps he ended up meeting the love of his life.

I was always a guy that believed in fate and soulmates. But at some point of my life, I thought everyone was destined to be with someone, except for me. I had honestly given up.

But then I met her.

In probably the most messed up day in my life, I would call the worst if I haven't met her that day. I can't believe I'm getting married today. With her. With the sweetest, prettiest, funniest person in this whole wide world.

I love Rachel Berry. And I love our story.

Remembering that day makes me smile.

A Year Ago - Finn's POV

"Cmon." I mumbled angrily as I wait for the cashier to give me my change. She is taking ages just to give me my coffee change. I still have so many stuff to do before going to the company. I have an important meeting but I got a bunch of stuff to solve in an hour before I get to work

"Here you go, sir." She said giving me the money.

"Thank you!" I said in an angry tone and left the coffee shop.

I walked fast trough the sidewalk until I bumped into a man and the coffee that I just bought was all over him and the floor.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed angrily. "Watch where you're going, would you?" I said angrily.

"You fucking bumped into me and it's my fault?! You ruined my clothes!" He said angrily and I buffed.

"And you spilled the coffee I just bought!" I answered. I'm not even a guy who argues like that, I'm just super mad today. Everything apparently decided to go wrong just because I have an important meeting in less than an hour. "Know what? Fuck you." I said and just turn around and kept following my way. I can hear him shouting a "Go fuck yourself!" to me but I just shrugged and kept walking.

I stopped in starbucks and bought a new coffee and this time I paid with my credit card, I'm not taking any risks. I still have to get a haircut, I'm not even a vain person but my hair already is completely messed up and today I have this important meeting and I can't be looking like I was run over by a truck.

I look to the traffic lights and they were green, I looked to my clock and I have 40 more minutes. "Fuck thos." I said and rush across the street, luckily I everything went fine if you ignore that I was almost ran over by a cab. What matters is that I got in the barbershop and I have 35 minutes left.

"Hudson, my man! It's been a while, huh?" Trevor, my hairdresser, said looking straight to my hair and I chuckled a little.

"Yeah and you need to be very quick." I said, thankfully isn't crowded, it's still early.

"Why, special date tonight?" He asked as he puts the black cape around me and I laughed.

"I wish, I just can't be looking like this. I have this important meeting in 30 minutes, so please, be quick." I said and he laughed.

"Alright." He said and he started doing his job. "So Hud, how have you been? Anyone special?"

"Not really, it's been a while honestly." I said. "I tried going out and meeting new people, but I guess love just isn't my thing. Maybe everyone was meant to be with someone except for me."

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